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[SSRPMODERATER] APPLOCATION insanepandabear 9 years 2 months ago #238812

Steam Name:insanepandabear

Link to Steam Profile:https://steamcommunity.com/id/insanepandabear/



Languages I speak:English

TS3 Related

How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3? I would take that person that is bullying the person into a another chat or somewhere else, to ask why are you harrsing that person for no reason, but in this case he probably would say, he is offending me to, I would ask politly to either stay away from each other so they do not cause any war, or you could say sorry to him, then I would put that player back into their channel and keep an eye for what is happening.

Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used
appropriately:The Ban Client : This command can allow you to ban someone from the team speak server from a certain length of time here are some reasons why they could be banned for : (Racism, Disrespect, ALT's, Community Bans and etc..)
Scenario : Player x is very disrespectful towards player y and I ask him to stop politely, but he continues, I move him into a spacer and ask him to stop because this is just disrespectful I'm going to move you back in the channel and if you continue I will immediately ban you for a certain amount of time for disrespect.

The Kick Client : This command allows you to kick that person into the AFK Lobby.
Scenario : Player x is afk in the channel and I ask if he is there but there is no response, so I kick him from the channel or I would move him into the AFK room until he comes back from being AFK.

Server Group : This allows you to give someone their server group, rank or remove it like if someone was accepted and they needed their badge, you would give them their rank for which server they are staff on, or if their was an resignation thread and someone wanted their badges removed you would remove them.
Scenario : Player y was accepted into SSRP and they needed their server group assigned, I would right click their name and go to set server group and click on DarkRP Moderator [perm].

Move : This command allows you to move someone into a different channel, like if you want a person to join to in a spacer you could just drag their name or right click and use the settings menu.
Scenario : Someone has poked me and I am in a spacer and they ask a question, I would drag them into the spacer and ask what is going on and if they ask to be moved back into their last channel I would move them back.

Remove Avatar : This command just allows you to remove a persons avatar.
Scenario : This person has a rude avatar, I tell him to remove it, if not I would remove it myself, he says "No." I tell him that's it I remove his avatar, and say to him "Do not put rude avatars on team speak please."

Password Protect : This command just allows you to put a password on a certain channel so people cannot interrupt you, for example if you where playing CS:GO, and people kept joining this is where you would put a password on it so others may not disturb you but the people that do know the password can join
Scenario : Someone is joining your channel and your very busy in most cases you could just move into a AFK Room, but if you where playing with people on like another game and it was serious you would have a password protect on it.

Edit Channel : Edit channel allows you to move a channel around or change the name of a channel, but you wouldn't really need to change a channel's name at all because sometimes nothing is usually changed except for you things, new games, but in cases you would leave the owners to change the channels or names....
Scenario : Someone has accidentally messed up a channel and they disconnect because their internet went down in this case you would check the main channel (ZARP Gaming Section) at the bottom left, and check what channel was re-named into what, then you go to that channel and change it back to what it was.

Kick From Server : This command allows you to kick the person from team speak, but it is a little similar to the "Ban Client Command" But instead you don't set a certain amount of time like a ban.
Scenario : Someone is causing harassment in the channel and he has been told to stop by another person but sadly he continues in this case you would move them out of the channel but if they have received punishments early you would kick them from the team speak.

Change description : (As I am not aware of this command but I believe so that it might be a command to TS3 Staff) This command just allows you to change the players description, because sometimes people might have an offending description or a racist description.
Scenario : Someone has just changed their description and they say "Look at my description" as I can see it is an offence description, I tell him to change it or he will be kicked from the channel or I will change it myself, but he refuses and says "No." I would just say "Oh well..." and change their description to something simple like "Hello there!" and say to him do not do it again because their will be consequences.

Why I should be chosen? because over the past year i have fallen in love with this community and would love to join it as a proper member i have regularly playing darkrp on zarp severs and would be humbled to join you please take me into concideration
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[SSRPMODERATER] APPLOCATION insanepandabear 9 years 2 months ago #238813

Thanks for applying for staff at ZARP DarkRp! During our weekly staff meeting your application, question answers, game trackers and in-game warnings are checked and then the staff team votes on your application.

This time, the staff team have decided that you still need to work on your application and then apply again next week. To try and help you they have summarised some positives & negatives discussed during the meeting:
Wrong template, needs to improve activity

You can apply again at any time, and thanks for supporting ZARP!
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Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by Morgan.
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