Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 - (Do not play on Server 2)
Languages I speak:
When it will be appropriate to use the ban command?
The ban command (/ban) will be used when a player is constant rule breaking by using racism trapsteal/spam mic spam chat spam ect. and does not learn from their warnings and from they slays gags and mutes. Or if they try or even succeed to hack on Zarp it will not be tolerated, neither will death threats. Or if a player under the name of "GmodMast123" was gagged and muted for chat and mic spam, if they leave and join again after again it will result in a ban. Or any threat of any sort taken serious by the victim could be hurtful towards them so the person who sent the threat towards that specific player will be banned.
Explain any situation you had to work around in your time as a moderator. How could your promotion help this?
When I first joined deathrun people where avoiding their punishment(he kept leaving and rejoining after being gaged) as a lower member of staff I could do nothing but kicking the player, kick after kick after kick. So I tried to get in contact with an Admin I have on my friends list, but if there was no Admins online the player would be punishment avoiding, but if i was to become and Admin this problem would not come into my hands.
Why I should be promoted (Give at least 75 words)
I think I should be promoted to Admin because I am very active on the Deathrun server and I have the inquires for the Admin role. I have some experience with the ulx menu with Admin perms and I am very experienced with it. With the extra push of being a proud Zarp Admin, I can go the extra mile to be the best Admin I can be! Many people like the way I do my role and many in encourage me to make this application right now! I am very friendly towards players and I can be a good friend! I am also very mature despite my young age, and I would say my grammar is standard!