[Deathrun] He-Man's Moderator Application
9 years 1 day ago #231854
You are trusted, known for your time being staff on most of the servers. You are extremely nice to others, your activity isn't bad but your progressing throughout the weeks which is amazing, you have great knowledge of the rules. And you'd suit perfectly for this role.
Ex-SSRP Admin
Ex-Deathrun Admin
Ex-Bhop Head Admin
Ex-Teamspeak Staff
My Steam.
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[Deathrun] He-Man's Moderator Application
9 years 5 hours ago #232534
Thanks for applying for staff at ZARP Deathrun! During our weekly staff meeting your application, question answers, game trackers and in-game warnings are checked and then the staff team votes on your application.
The staff team has voted to accept your application, which means you’re now a part of the ZARP Deathrun staff team.
Before you get started, an SuperAdmin + and possibly another Admin will help train you on the server and get you setup with your new rank. There’s also a handy guide created by the community which should help you get up to speed with your new menus & commands. And don’t forget you can always ask another staff member if you’re not sure about something
There’s a weekly staff meeting for the server at the above time, which is held on the ZARP Teamspeak server (IP: ts.zarpgaming.com). You now get a vote on the new staff members and we’ll keep you up to date with new events and server updates at the meeting.