The Gamer Guy's Moderator Application!
RP Name : Brother Gamer Guy/The Gamer Guy
Link to Steam Profile :
SteamID : STEAM_0:0:86045589
Current Gametracker Profiles :
Server 1 - (All profiles except from the last one)
Server 2 -
Age : 13
Estimated Server Time : 850 hours + . Been on ZARP for about 2 years.
Languages I speak : English
RP Related :
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario.
Random Deathmatch (AKA RDM) is attacking/killing a player without a valid reason. For example, Exrobite kills Paramontana because he doesn't like his face.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario.
New Life Rule (AKA NLR) is where a player is killed and must forget everything from their past life, they are not allowed to enter the same district where they died, and they can also not interact with any players/entities/vehicles etc. from their past life. They may return after 3 minutes, a timer is displayed at the top of the player's screen.
In some cases, you can NLR, such as if there is a vault raid, police jobs may NLR at the vault, or if there is an active nuke, police jobs can break NLR to destroy/disable the nuke.
Soxey is killed and returns to the district within 3 minutes of dying due to him not wanting Blocked to steal his printers.
Explain "Metagaming" and give an example scenario.
Metagaming is giving away In-Character (IC) information in an Out-Of-Character (OOC) situation, or vice versa. This includes, using IC information in an Out-Of-Character situation/chat to your advantage.
Holly Banker is calling for help in OOC because he is being mugged by Morgan.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
First of all, I would handle the F1, I would teleport to player (x), take him to a roof and ask him to explain what happened. If what player x has said sounds like player y did RDM him and the logs does show that player y killed player x then I would tp player y to us. I would ask him if he had killed player x, if he says he didn't, I would tell him that the logs said he did. If he said he did, I would ask him why he killed him and explain his story. If the reason for killing player x was not a valid reason to kill someone, then I would explain to player y, and why it isn't a valid reason. If the reason that player x explained was valid, but they were telling completely different stories, I may have to resolve to asking for proof, which should be a last resort. If player y did RDM player x I would give him a verbal warning if he didn't seem to know the rules that good and explain it to him, or a warning if they clearly knew what they did and felt like RDMing. I would then wish them a nice day and /back them to their locations.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
I would teleport to player x and ask them what happened, if it sounds like player y did break NLR, and the logs look like he did, then I would bring player y to us and ask him to explain his story, I would keep in mind the job that he has and the location of his death (incase it was a vault raid and player y was a cop). I would listen to both sides of the story and come up with a conclusion. If player y thought his job could NLR for whatever reason, I would give him a verbal warning and explain the NLR rule to him. If he NLR'd for something else and he KNEW it, I would explain it to him (just incase), tell him not to do it again and warn him.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x calls for help in the OOC chat because his bank is being raided.
I would kindly ask player x not to call for help in OOC, if he does it again though, I will tell him not to again. If he keeps doing it I may have had to resolve in a mute. After the raid I would teleport to player x and explain the metagaming rule. If he kept ignoring me in OOC, I would ask him why. If he continues to metagame, after I spoke to him, I would warn him.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 150 words).
Hey, so I've been in this community for a LONG time now, I've made some friends, had some great times, fun times, but this is mainly because of being staff, I could help people much easier, instead of being RDM'd when I tried to speak to a mutant. I LOVE helping people and that's not a joke, back when I was staff, I was getting around 100-300 F1s a week because I loved doing them. Now that I am user again, I feel the frustration again of being a victim of a rulebreak, making an F1, waiting 10 minutes for them to come then having a long F1 taking out all my RP time to explain and prove my story is true. As moderator/staff, I would be able to handle my own situations again but also help the other staff if they are having trouble with anything as I've gone through a lot of this before. Another reason is that early in the morning for the UK, there are NO staff online, and whenever I join, I get RDM'd by a guard, or proppushed, whatever, and I would help everyone out by being online in the mornings, but of course I'll be helping all the time.
When I WAS staff, it was amazing, I had a great time, it was so fun, helping people and meeting new people to work with every week. I would love for this opportunity again. Thank you for reading my application, if you think I have missed something I could add in, or if there is a mistake anywhere, just tell me and I'll fix it within 24 hours.
- The Gamer Guy