[SSRP Admin] Cardstarvipe's application
9 years 3 weeks ago #218591
I got permission of Paramontana
He told me that i need to have at least 2 weeks of activity before reapplying for admin but im posting this allready for the feedback of you guys (Im going to have 2 weeks of activity next meeting)
RP Name Cardstarvipe Link to Steam Profilesteamcommunity.com/id/Cardstarvipe SteamID STEAM_0:1:82479983 Current Gametracker Profiles
Server 1 - www.gametracker.com/player/cardstarvipe/...arpgaming.com:27015/
Server 2 - www.gametracker.com/player/cardstarvipe/...arpgaming.com:27025/ Ok i know what u guys are thinking OMG he only has only has been active this week and has been inactive for like 2-3 months lets let him wait 2 weeks to see if his activity will stay like this
But I promise you it will stay like this for a good while since
A I miss doing the f1's i personnaly enjoy helping other people their problems
And B Several staff have asked me when im coming back to the staff team as they thought i was a good staff.
Age 14
Estimated Server Time At least 1 hour a day ( around 1 month total gametime on both servers together)
Languages I speak Dutch,Engish and french for dummies if its needed.
This is darkrp related since i think u guys still need to know how i would handle my situations and just not only fill the promotion stuff
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Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario.Ok so New life rule=NLR is when a player gets killed and then he cant go back to the location/district he died in. Unless the staff gives him permission to break nlr because he got RDMed,Cdmed etc
Explain "Metagaming" and give an example scenario.Metagaming is when to people are giving info to eachother or to everyone in the server in general since its in OOC that they are being raided or maybe just 2 people are having a conversation about how they are doing etc this is considerd metagame aswell since we have a /pm function on the server so not everyone has to read how your dog shitted on the carpet.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
Ok first of all i would spectate player x to see if he isent busy if he is i'll wait untill he's done with what he is doing then i would tp player x asking him if he has any proof if he doesent i would just let him do his story then spectate player y to see if he isent busy then i would teleport player y onto the roof let him do his story if these are 2 diffrent story's i wouldent be able to do anything so i would give player y a verbal warn and spectate him for a little bit to see if he does it again. Oh and if player x actually has proof i would tp player saying what he has done and then most likely warn him.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time. I would spectate player x to see if he's busy if he isent i would tp him to me up to a roof then spectate player y to see if he's busy if he isent i would tp him up the roof aswell and show him the logs that show that he broke NLR as that is enough proof to warn him.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x calls for help in the OOC chat because his bank is being raided I would first verbally warn player x to not do it again since that is metagaming if he continues i would tp to him for a second and final verbal warning then if he does it one more time i will warn him for metagaming
Promotion related now.
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Explain how you feel that your time as a moderator will contribute to you becoming an admin. Well im straight up applying for admin so i dont really know anymore how to awnser this question since it has been a year since ive been a mod but still. Ive had "spend" alot of time reading over the motd to know that i dont make any mistake's as a staff ive made alot of f1's including proof most of the time and lets say a new mod gets accepted and needs some help i will always be there to help u.
Explain a situation as a moderator you encountered that was an obstacle you had to work around (EG: defiant user).Not to be a cocky guy or anything but when i was a staff i really dident encounter any problems with the user that made the f1 or the accused user or with any other staff
But sometimes i do have some bad days and when i know im going to start raging etc cause a guy calls me names (Not that i rage all the time or have anger problems but everyone has their moments if you know what i mean) i would ask another staff to take over my f1 since i would lose my sh*t
If you had to write a facebook post to train a moderator in between 200-300 words, what would you say to give them the full grasp?
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Im going to copy paste this out of my first app since i would explain it exactly the same sorry for this if it bothers you...
First of all theres a few things u need to know before becoming a mod
-You take your gametime to help out people cause you are a moderator and you should enjoy it like i do
-Dont warn people instantly cause you see them metagaming or kill someone if they are metagaming just tell them to stop and if u see someone getting killed always go ask first
-Be patient you will have some annoying f1's where people are pissing you off dont start disrespecting them or start raging
-And last but not least ALWAYS be friendly you will get respected much more.
Lets move on to the commands shall we
Teleport:If you want to teleport someone you can just go into the tab menu and find the person you want if you want to goto someone click on goto if u pressed on the person in the tab menu or use /goto name or steam id or if you want to bring someone do /bring name or steam id or bring in the tab menu and if u want to tp someone to the place your crosshair is looking at use /tp name or steam id or teleport in the tab menu(i would recommand using the tab menu cause if u tp the wrong person... just not a good time happend to me 3 times)
Unban from job: if you want to unban someone from a job they got demote from you need to go to the tab menu select the person u want and you can see unban from job but first ask the person that made the f1 what job he got banned from and if he says like thief you can click on unban job then select thief and he is unbanned.
Freeze: this is just the same like the teleport command just use tab menu again or the command /freeze name or steam id
and if u use the tab menu u can choose a time that you want cause if you just want to freeze someone to stop walking during the f1 you can always use the tab menu but if u see like an citzien with a big gun i use the /freeze command than not hte smartest but the fastest thing to do (again use the tab menu cause if you freeze the wrong person people will get mad at you)
Warn:If you want to warn someone be sure off your case/proof (witnesses do not count as proof) if you are sure you can do /warn name or steam id (i recommand the steam id cause if people have the same name like 3 banana's you will tp all 3 if you do /tp banana) and if you want to copy the steam id just click on it in the tab menu and it will be auto copyed
If you want some backup of an admin use the admin chat by doing /// or @ they will reply or tp to you if they have the time for it.
F1 system: If you are a mod you can use the f1 menu this will show u a list of f1's and if you see 1 that is not handled you need to right click on it then click handle this then right click again and goto then you will tp to the person always check if they are not in another f1 or raiding etc and if they are done tp him/her to a roof by using /bring steam id or name or click f1 right click on your f1 and click on bring and then you can start youre f1.If they make an NLR report there are loggs to show what time the person got killed/killed somebody you can also see if people left changed job or changed their name in this logg and to go in this logg you need to open up the f1 system and click on logging and if u want to find a specefic person you can always enter the name in the top right corner.(there is a search bar there)And in case you get an FDA f1 if u become a mod on duty as your job you can check how much time there is on the keypads by left clicking on it it will mark the fading door and to remove the marked fading door and the time there is on the keypad just right click.
Explain how you would handle the following situation: Player x appeals their ban in great detail, apology and effort. You check the ban list and find that you banned them permanently for propspam, and that this is their first ban. How would your response to the appeal be?
Ok i know i dont have to do this but im still telling you guys this if he got banned by someone else then myself i would do this: I would post on the forum post that i will be talking to the staff that have banned him
Then i talk to the staff that banned him
then we start argueing trying to get a agreement
if the agreement is to unban him/lower the ban i would do that Now for if i banned him I would lower his ban to a week since it is his or straight up unban him (i know its kinda harsh to lower his ban even if it is his first time but i take rulebreaks like propspam etc very sirieus)
Why I should be promoted (we recommend around 150 words). I personnaly think i should be chosen since im a loyal player to the server.Ive been an admin before for about 11 months so i have alot of experiance.Other staff have told me that i would be a great adition to be back in the staff team ,I personnaly hate rulebreakers on the servers and it annoys me that i just cant instantly do something about it since i'd always have to make an f1 and w8 for about 5-10 mins depends to the staff online (this is why i record all the time ) And if u look at my gametracker i really think zarp is an unique and one of the most fun darkrp servers on garry's mod and i just want to make the community a better place
I want to thank all of you who took the time to read my admin application
If you have any feedback be sure to comment them down below
[SSRP Admin] Cardstarvipe's application
9 years 3 weeks ago #218611
Morgan wrote:
I believe you could use a few more weeks to reacquaint yourself with the updated rules and staff.
The rules are most likely not a problem since ive read them alot of times since im back
But i might have to get to know the new staff better
Thanks for the feedback
Oh and thanks to wolfjie and jbirsky aswell for the support
[SSRP Admin] Cardstarvipe's application
9 years 3 weeks ago #218754
Thanks for all the feeback
Para ive been working on how rude i am and it has been better than it ever has thanks for the supp bud
Oh and crystalsuperparty wrote:
-Has breaken rules
-For me an unfriendly person.
-Harasses people
Never broken a single rule since im back
Ive never in my life harrased some especially not you
For me an unfriendly person Well bud this you made me cry of laughter~
Why only kill me and not the cops? looks kinda fishy in my eyes tbh
Crystal all i can say to you bud is Respect me and i'll give you some respect back
Ps The only reason why i was saying REKT BOI! cause he got rekt during the raid was because of him doing it all the time i was showing him how hard he was annoying me by doing the same to him
And your lucky i dident record the countless times you have disrespected me before all those vids
[SSRP Admin] Cardstarvipe's application
9 years 3 weeks ago #218787
TheCallumChopper wrote:
13 Year Old guy, who smokes weed. Your immature. Learn the law, learn the rules boi.
im 14 yes i have tryed it ones or twice and i know the rules
Immature not really but everyone has his moments and banter should be allowed if you call that immatureity
[SSRP Admin] Cardstarvipe's application
9 years 3 weeks ago #218792
TheCallumChopper wrote:
Cardstarvipe wrote:
TheCallumChopper wrote:
13 Year Old guy, who smokes weed. Your immature. Learn the law, learn the rules boi.
im 14 yes i have tryed it ones or twice and i know the rules
Immature not really but everyone has his moments and banter should be allowed if you call that immatureity
Don't Worry mate, I believe you. Your a bit more mature than Tyler Durden When he's F ing and blinding at me saying that im a faggot.
Could i know your ingame name so i know who you are?
(i cant remember you for some reason)