Steam Name: Flex ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:93778333
Age: 15
Languages I speak:
What is Ghosting? and give an example:
The term "ghosting" is used in these servers to represent the act of informing a player which is alive about something that he couldn't possibly know. This only applies to dead players... (50/50 traps, etc).
A scenario where ghosting can be shown is:
Mike is stuck on a 50/50 trap. John, who has died from that trap inevitably knows that the correct way to go is left. He proceeds to tell Mike the correct way:
"John: Mike go left..."
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?:
Dealing with a disrespectful can feel as if you're talking to a wall. If a player has disrespected any staff or a co-player of them, I would firstly warn him with the reason of "Disrespect", as well as gag him if he is being abusive in the voice chat or mute him if he goes by normal chat. If the user hasn't abused voice chat, nor has abused the chat he will stay with the warning. Then without any request, I would explain the reason he was warned in detail, providing proof of the incident. I would then advice him in a sophisticated way not to do it again.
Why I should be chosen:
Here we go,
For me to apply for mod means that I believe I'm eligible for this position and I should be accepted. I can confirm that there were many times, that when I had connected to a server, no staff has been on. It is also safe to say that I have a really good experience with "ULX" since I've been previously accepted as staff on many DarkRP Servers as well as a TTT server. Furthermore, I should add that the reason for me not being staff on those servers anymore is resignation and is not based on something that I did that made me lose my position. I know all the rules, and I am intelligent enough to understand when something is wrong! I made myself familiar with the server and got to know most of the staff on it. It is also essential to say that I currently have 1 warn from "PUG" which was applied for "Trap reactivation". The incident was a complete misunderstanding since I hadn't known that it had been activated before, but I have respected the choice of "PUG" and he is in no way wrong for doing it. In conclusion, I can be online when other staff is not, I have a very good experience with ULX, I know the rules and I'm intelligent enough to understand a situation.
Update: Today I checked for my warnings, apparently there is no warning history... I can confirm though that it did happen, maybe he removed it?
Thank you,