Steam Name: sirlegendsworth
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98526528
Age: 15
Languages I speak:
A Little bit of French
What is Ghosting? and give an example: (Explain in your own words what ghosting is and give an example of ghosting)
Ghosting is where one person is dead, but giving information to people alive on what's happening, for example, if a player is way ahead and death does not know, someone who is dead tells them. This is Ghosting!
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: (Explain in your own words how you would deal with a player being disrespectful towards another player or staff member.)
If someone was being disrespectful towards another player, firstly i'd politely ask them to stop, but if they carry on, i will warn them. Hopefully it doesn't escalate as far as a kick but even if i have to a ban could be necessary.
Why I should be chosen: (Explain in your own words WHY we should chose you to become moderator, what makes you stand out? What are good traits about you? (The questions are examples and are NOT part of the template. (This part should be atleast 75 words)))
I believe i should be chosen because i have had ownership of a Deathrun server before, and also i have been staff on others, such as Werwolf Gaming... I believe myself to be polite, patient and well mannered and will do what is necessary to stop people who break the server and community rules. I also believe my self to be experienced with Admin tools, such as ULX, AssMod, FAdmin and many others. Finally, i believe i can help out new players and teach them new ways.