Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Age 15
Estimated Server Time In ZarpRP 1 : 27hrs, In ZarpRP 2: 22hrs
Languages I speak English
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario. : Its mean killing a player for no reason or not in a RP situation. x killing y because he was angry at an admin in a sit
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario. : NLR: Player going back, Killing, RPing about the same situation, going back to same area, killing the person who killed you, would also be revenge RDM. x raids y, y kills x, x comes back and kills y. that would be NLR in a raid
Explain "Metagaming" and give an example scenario. Meta gaming is like arresting some one for being a Drug Dealer, beacuse it says there a drug dealer on there HeadHUD, x adverts COME AND RAID MY BASE PLEASE. that would be meta gaming
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.: i would try to get evidence of the RDM, happing and try to get proof. because if i have no proof i wont be able to find our if its RDM. he may have been killed in cross fire. i would have to bring them both to a rooftop sit first and try to find out what happened.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.: Well if they are close it would most likely be NLR, i would ask y if he had proof he didnt break NLR, but if y places, Example slam down in his base, and x didnt see it but got killed after y was already killed i would need proof to prove that it was after he died he went back and placed them. or it may have been there was a MassRDMer in spawn and he killed him after to stop him mass RDM, i would then have to try and find out if he was MassRDMing
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x calls for help in the OOC chat because his bank is being raided. that would be meta in a way because OOC is (Out Of Character chat) and i would give him a verbal warning tell him that he has to Advert and can not talk about RP situations in OOC
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 150 words).: I love zarprp and i have purchased two boster packs as i love the server so much, i would love to help and and would love to be a proud member of ZarpRP staff team, i have also been staff on lots of other servers befor, my latest was Werwolf gaming but i left them to dedicate my game time to ZarpRp. i truly think that i would be a great member of staff and would treat every player fairly and would not let my friends get away with stuff because i am there friend No way would i do that. If i became a member of your staff team i belive that my gameplay time would rise a huge amount as i would love to help the server and keep it a safe place to the players and stop all the Rule breakers, i have allways followed the rules and would love to help them stay followed and stop any one who does not follow them.
Thank you i really hope that i get accepted and would love to work on the staff team