Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Age: 17
Languages I speak:Dutch, English
Deathrun related
What is Ghosting? and give an example: ghosting: someone already been killed/or past a trap giving away (for example) the correct door you should take. or in a other example, if the player is way faster then you are and he got already past it, saying wich path he should take. and the last example I got for now, someone that died is checking the buttons that have been pressed to see wich door is the good one.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: the best thing to do is to give the player a warn in the first place and if the player continue being disrespectful mute/gag the player. and if the player is still disrespectful in the the next map we play I would kick the player.
Why I should be chosen: I think I should be chosen because I want to have the best for the server, I want people to behave there selfes and sometimes when there are no moderators or admins people start to chat spam or mic spam. and I want them to behave therselfes. im almost everyday online atleast in the last 2 weeks 70 hours, I am a decent Deathrun player. and last but not least, im most likely always behaving as a adult.