Heyy guys, you might now me from ttt, my ingame username is Dirty Pizzzaa. I would like to request for Moderator because I have a gmt Timezone, so when I'm on, there isn't any admins for a while, and no one deals with the rdms. So here is the form I guess.
Steam Name: Dirty Pizzzaa
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:120493301
Age:14, 1/2
Link to GameTracker for the server:
www.gametracker.com/player/Dirty%20Pizzz...arpgaming.com:27017/ (Me)
Languages I speak:
English, Kurdish
TTT Related
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario: Not being a traitor, going around to holocaust, would be a slay next round, if mass enough, a possible warning.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario: Being told to have seen someone get killed, being told that someone has been shot by someone, being told that someone hasn't been tested or responded to a life check. If any of these are correct, the t is to be hunted.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
Kos'ing someone for creeping round (that has happened to me!), and Kos'ing someone for t baiting, but for t baiting, I would do no slays because t baiting is not allowed and therefore it's his fault. More slays and warns as the scenarios
Why I should be chosen (longer answer expected here - at least 75 words):
Well, I almost know everyone on the server, I probably have never purposely rdmed, I am really user friendly, I can be active, I don't disrespect anyone, I am active, and, this is really my favourite ttt server, I mean I would be honoured as hell to be a mod on it, I will soon start to check out the death runs and dark Rp, but I have never played dark Rp anyway (I know what you're thinking) so I guess, I wanna try my luck.
If I get declined, this won't change a single thought of mine of zarp gaming. Good luck to all applications