Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Languages I speak:
English, Italian.
What is Ghosting? and give an example: Ghosting is when a dead player gives info to the alive player for a advantage, other things involving ghosting is when someone OUTSIDE the game will tell him, as if two friends on skype. (When dead players say a code or pattern even after a alive player have seen it, still means it is ghosting.) Some of these examples are:
*Dead* Guy 1: I'ts red, red, blue.
Guy 2: Thanks alot man!
*Dead* Guy 1: The code is 152.
Guy 2: Thanks alot!
(Guy 1 on skype): Yeah its *blah blah*
(Guy 2 on skype): Okay thanks mate! (Uses his info to win the game, this is also known as meta-gaming)
*Dead* Guy 1: It's left, left, right, left.
Guy 2: Thanks!
And so on.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: I would warn him, gag/mute him and tell him not to do it again, if he does, i will give him a second warning and kick him. If he does it again after two+ warnings, I will call for a higher staff rank for a ban. (perm or temp depending on severity.) If one is racist and ignore his warnings and avoid's punishment i will also call for higher staff for a ban. (perm or temp depending on severity again).
Why I should be chosen: I feel like i can help this server alot, i hear many people complain in the chats because of a person that is afk that is keeping the server to wait or the exploiters which are abusing bugs or the disrespecters that are rude to others or the trollers that ruin all the fun also known as minges, that ruin the experience of the servers, and if it ruins, the server population goes down.
I've never seen a server so great in deathrun, better than all the others i have worked for as staff, and i would hate to see the moderators or other ranks not do anything about these things, even though they do, sometimes they are not there to help. I'm on the server usually EVERY DAY. I understood my last app, when you staff members said i would act immature and sometimes chatspam, some of you will know why i did this, and i rather explain it in ts (<3 Jetzy). I would rather have fun and help others rather then see'ing them being, agitated, angry, or troll to ruin others fun or exploit to cheat and such, these people need to dissipear for a clean community that we can all enjoy.
I hope you took your time to read my application and i hope i learnt from my past first application what to do. If you do or not like my application i appreciate a comment atleast to say if im wrong or right, thank you.