RP Name: Morkva
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:48650983
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Age: 15
Estimated Server Time: 103 hours as of the 24th of July
Languages I speak:
English, German, Slovene (Fluently)
Croatian, Serbian (Partially)
DarkRP Related
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario.
Random Death Match (mostly referred to as RDM) is damaging or killing players with an invalid roleplay reason.
Ex.: Progr4mm3r just spawned in and went for a stroll around the industrial district looking for a nice place to base in and spotted RedPower being AFK. He took out his
wang machete and killed him because "Why not? He's AFK and won't notice it.".
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario.
New Life Rule (mostly referred to as NLR) is a rule that requires players to not return to the place they died at for 3 minutes after their death. The 'place' is in most cases the district the player died in.
Ex.: Progr4mm3r was farming carrots in his new warehouse base and started getting raided by RedPower whilst he's shouting
"Y U RDM ME, REPORT!!" over voice chat. Progr4mm3r dies in the raid after getting raped by Milkor explosions and returns to his base (the industrial district) immediately after spawning, hoping to stop the ongoing raid in an effort to save his innocent carrots.
Explain "Metagaming" and give an example scenario.
Metagaming (mostly referred to as meta) is a rule that prohibits players from mixing up in-character and out-of-character information.
Ex.: Progr4mm3r, being sad because of the loss from the last raid, decided to spam /advert with 'H4X000R!!1 ADMIN, BAN REDPOWER!!!!11", thus mixing up IC and OOC information.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
I would teleport to a nearby rooftop and teleport both of the involved players to me and ask player y for the reason for killing player x. If player y's reason for killing player x is weak or invalid I would warn him, but if their stories would not match up I would ask player x for proof and act depending on how valid the proof is.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
I would teleport to a nearby rooftop and teleport both of the involved players to me and ask player y if he has anything to say in his defense after explaining the situation. If he has no valid argument for breaking NLR, I would punish him with a warning.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x calls for help in the OOC chat because the bank is being raided
I would verbally warn the player if he's new and has no previous rulebreaks on his record and warn him if he continues to metagame. If the player is a more experienced player I would simply warn him.
Why I should be chosen.
First of all, I have a lot of experience in moderating/administrating. ('where? as what?' below)
WHERE (platform) - ROLE - WHEN
West Coast Roleplay (Forum) - Moderator - Early 2014 to early 2015
West Coast Roleplay (SA:MP) - Moderator - Early 2014
Unturned Steam Community - Moderator - Summer 2014 to Summer 2015
Future Gaming Roleplay (SA:MP) - Lead Administrator - Middle of 2014
Washington Roleplay (SA:MP) - Family Administrator - Late 2014
West Coast Roleplay (SA:MP) - Family/Faction Manager - Early 2015
I can provide proof of 'Unturned Steam Community' if requested.
Another reason is that I think of myself as a kind person that tried his best helping other players have the best experience they can (as can be seen in my administrative experience). I've also got a microphone that I can use without a problem unlike several members of the staff team of the server and in my opinion using your microphone is an advantage in the time it takes to complete an F1 and if I can't talk I'm quite fast at typing without any major grammatical errors.
I'm posting this application as there has been quite a lot of complaints in the OOC chat about the speed F1s get handled at and due to that, the increase in rulebreaking - I'm hoping to help with getting rid of all those complaints.