dani din the pro
15 years old
i speak hebrew, english, russian
What is Ghosting? and give an example: ghosting is when u dead and u help to alive players to complete the map with hints/answers
for example: someone dont know the code in the helix map or what portal in minecraft map and u say it in chat, that is ghosting in my words .
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: ill warn him twice in chat and if he will keep disrespect ill give him a gag/mute and a warn by the command and will tell him that if he wont stop ill kick him and if he will still keep disrespect ill kick him and if he will still disrespect ill call an admin and ask from him to ban him for 1 hour.
Why I should be chosen: i love playing on the server and im playing him hours a day, i see lot of people breaking the rules and i want to have the power to stop them and make the server a better place. im was a mod in 5 minecraft servers and i know how to deal with rule breakers, im nice to people and respectful and i have some tips for new player, and i would realy like to be a part of this server, couse i realy want that he will grew and new players will join and stay in it.
How often will you be on the server? im playing in the computer 6 hours a day and 1-3 of them im playing in the server
i hope ill get the promotion