Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Activity low in weekdays was due to a week of extra work. It's gonna improve and get back to normal now.
Languages I speak:
Danish, english, german and a bit french.
When it will be appropriate to use the ban command?
It'd be appropriate to ban someone after receiving several warnings for breaking the rules, such as exploiting, and just in general game-breaking bugs.
And most definitely if someone threatens to ddos the server / one of the players. Also if someone is hacking / using scripts.
Explain any situation you had to work around in your time as a moderator. How could your promotion help this?
I've had to deal with plenty of people. People that would ghost, harass other players, Mic / Chat spam, deathavoiding and whatnot.
A scenario such as the chat spamming. Even if they're muted, they can still write in the Admin chat. Recently I was in a scenario where a guy was spamming the admin chat, begging to be unmuted. I kicked him, but he rejoins and continues his spamming. If I would've had the ability to ban, it would've saved me from the trouble he caused.
Why I should be promoted
I should be promoted because i'm active on both servers, I do my best to help the players, and I have a ton of staff experience, also with banning, since questioned above. I currently hold Super Admin on the Friendly Players DarkRP server. Which proves that I have experience in handling situations, and making sure every part is handled, making both players satisfied with the outcome. I care about how people behave towards eachother, its important to me that everyone is enjoying their time on the server, and don't feel discriminated. Cheers.