Steam Name: The Cheeky Scrublord
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1:
Server 2:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:71717318
Age: 16
Languages I speak: Fluid English & Dutch
What is Ghosting? and give an example: Ghosting is a method which is used to cheat your way to victory, not only is it used on Deathrun servers but on Prophunt servers aswell. For example: When you are playing the map ''DeathRun_CB_Egypt_v1'' you will get to a point when you need to choose (as a death) which platform will be a fake. When you died (as a runner) before that you can spectate and watch which buttons have been pressed. When the person who spectated the death pressing the buttons and then telling the runner which are the fake ones, It would be called ghosting and you will be slain and warned for that.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: I would first ask him/her what his/her intentions were to be disrespectful, for example: Why are you being mean/disrespectful against ''playername'' or ''staffname''? Then when he/she keeps being mean or unreasonable, I would mute/gag him/her and warn him/her for being a disrespectful player. When he/she doesn't stop I will give him/her more warnings and eventually kick him/her. When he/she joins again and keeps on being disrespectful I'd inform an Admin to eventually ban him/her.
Why I should be chosen: I should be chosen because, I will be able to help Zarpgaming to grow even more and for example suggest new plugins/addons. Another reason is that I dislike players that are disrespectful, don't play fair or don't read and follow the rules. Another reason is that I've seen that there are not a lot of staff members online around 12:00 pm (GMT+1) to prevent players to play unfair, mostly then I will be able to be online at that time. Last reason is that I'm a very nice person and I can handle any kind of situation whilst being fairly calm. I've been an admin on another deathrun server aswell.
Greetings, The Cheeky Scrublord