Steam Name:The NeWdUdEzzz (Going to change my steam name to mamy123gaming again)
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Languages I speak:English,Arabic and i speak some french.
What is Ghosting? and give an example: Ghosting is when you are dead and you tell a alive runner something in the map that he doesn't know like telling him this block is the one that will get you killed.Example:
(dr_minecraft) "Jamie is alive. Ronald is dead. Ronald died in the left nether portal.
Ronald tells Jamie to go to the right nether portal."
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: If i saw someone disrespecting someone in the chatbox i will mute him and warn him for disrespect if he continues but this time with his mic because he is muted i will gag him if he continues to disrespect after i ungagged him and unmuted him i will gag him and mute him again if he leaves after i gag and mute him again i will call a admin to deal with the situation.
Why I should be chosen:I Think i should be chosen because i was staff on mulitple DeathRun Servers and Because i know the rules very well.most times there are no staff on the server and i see alot of people breaking the rules so i need to get the rank so i can stop them.One time there was a server called NightGAmEDeathrun and i was the mod of the month on it.My first time playing on zarp was with my old account called MamyTheButtKicker on the old deathrun server i had a total of 32 hours on it.
Info: I Was told that i can copy my old app and put right gametrackers.