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I want to become staff on this server because I really love this server and I want to help out the server in any way I can. I can come on the server a lot and I am usually on the server around 1-4 hours a day so I feel in that time when I am on I can really benefit the server. I feel the community is usually good when there are admins/operators on. When I am on and there are no staff online it is sort of chaos. From people mic spamming and being upright trolls. If I got operator I could help out the server with the mic spammers and the people who try and ruin the server. I feel you should accept me because I am a really friendly person and most of the people on the server will agree with me. Also I am familiar with the garry's mod staff commands because Beastly showed me and he used to be an Admin on Cave's server so I know most of the commands.
am pretty good (still learning) staff commands with garry's mod so I can help out the server by gagging people, kicking people, slaying people, etc... |
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Use the template
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Here's the template for Deathrun: Deathrun Template
-A staff member will move this to "Server Applications". |
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As said before, use the right template given by Walrus
Edit this post, don't create a new one. I'll edit my reply once you've edited your post and I'll give you my feedback Goodluck ! |
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