Steam Name: |FP|Z|FuzionDesire
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49861792
Age: 14
Languages I speak: Fluent English and some French.
How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3?
Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used
A teamspeak staff member has access to many tools which allow them to keep peace within the server, and some others which allow them to make the experience of the users better, examples of these and their intended use will be listed below:
- Kick from channel - This sends the selected user back to the lobby channel, giving them time to reflect about what they've done whilst re-joining the channel.
- Kick from server - This removes the selected player from the server, this is used after they've been warned but before they're banned from the server.
- Ban from the server - This totally removes someone from a server for a specific period of time, this is used when someone has reached the end of the line, when they have pushed the boundaries and deserve to be unable to access the server for a while.
- Move from channel - This allows you to drag people from a channel, this is sometimes used as an alternative to kick from channel as it is sometimes easier, also this can be moved to put someone in a spacer so that you can have a private chat with them or to move someone into the meeting rooms.
- Ability to give ranks - This gives the staff the ability to to make someone a badge on teamspeak, this is used when someone gets a promotion like moderator to admin.
Why I should be chosen? (we recommend around 50 words).
I should be chosen as a teamspeak staff member because i am an active user of the server and i know the rules of the server, i know how to use the above commands suitably and know when to punish people and when to give them verbal warnings. I am a trusted member of the community, i am an admin on ZARP dark rp and should hopefully be on FP. I think that i would be good at the task of administrating the server and i think i'd be able to offer many more incentives than other candidates like maturity and fair treatment.
Thank You For Reading and Im Looking Forward To {Team}speaking with you guys,