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TOPIC: [TS3] Stratiic's Application.

[TS3] Stratiic's Application. 9 years 8 months ago #141379

About Me

Steam Name:

|Z| Stratiic

Link to Steam Profile:

Stratiic's Steam Profile.





Languages I speak:

Fluent English.

Small Amounts of Swedish, German and French.

TeamSpeak Related

How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3?

I would listen closely to the situation, closely paying attention to what is and isn't considered offensive and then proceed to ask the victim " Hello (Victim's Name), are you OK? If he's offending you please let me know." If the victim responds saying that he is being offended I would then bring this up to the bully, explaining that they have hurt and offended someone and continue to aware them that if it happens again with anybody, they will receive a Temporary Ban for 1 Day. After this I'd reassure the victim saying " I hope you're okay, if he does anything like this again, I will make sure to ban him for a lot longer this time". If the bully repeats his actions again his ban will range from 2 weeks - Permanant depending on how bad the bullying was and taking Racism, Paedophilia, Sexism, etc into consideration.

Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used

Ban - Ban is a command which temporarily or permanantly disallows someone from joining the TS3 server. This command would be useful for using, after you've verbally warned and/or kicked the rulebreaker as a harsher punishment. For example: User X is being repeatedly offensive to User Y, User Y has made it clear that he is still taking offence to what User X is doing/saying after I have verbally warned User X, and kicked him, now it would be appropriate to ban User X for Disrespect.

Kick - Kick is a command which removes the targeted User from the TS3 server, but unlike Ban, it allows them to join back afterwards for any period of time. This command would be useful as a second/third/etc ( depending on how many verbal warnings you have given, myself would give them 1 or 2 verbal warning depending on how bad the rule they are breaking is and if they have been doing it consistently without punishment ) punishment after a verbal warning(s) for those who cannot stop breaking rules.

Moving Users - This command allows you to move Users from one channel to the other, you can also move them into your own channel, locked or not. Moving a User(s) would be useful if someone is distracting you in your channel and you don't want them to do it or moving AFK players into the AFK channel.

Removing/Adding server ranks - With this command you can take away/add server ranks from people. This command is used for when people are demoted, promoted and accepted on any of the Zarp servers in order to show their ranks beside their name using an icon if they were promoted/accepted or taking away/altering the icon beside their name.

Locking Channels - Using this command you can lock a channel, preventing anyone from entering it with out the password, people can still be moved in by another TS3 staff member. You use this command perhaps when you are in a CS:GO game ( or a game which requires a similar amount of concentration ) and you don't want people to join the channel. Of course for this example it would only be appropriate to lock one of the CS:GO or the game of choice's channel ( if applicable ).

Removing Avatars/Descriptions - This command allows you to remove the Avatar / Description of a User. This would be used if someone has an inappropriate or offensive avatar/description and it needs to be removed. Depending on the level of offense/rudeness this would be followed up with a punishment such as a verbal warning, kick or ban.

Editing Channels - With this command you can Edit the channel's name,description and topic. This would be appropriate of use if a higher up staff member ( Owner / Community Manager ) orders for the channel to be changed for something else. For example - A Higher up staff member says you can have your own spacer, you then change the name of that spacer to what you want. Another example - One of the servers has been replaced, you then change the previous server's channel name to the new one.

Moving Channels
- Moves the channel chosen, not needed unless instructed by a higher member of staff such as a Community Manager or an Owner.

Why I should be chosen? (we recommend around 50 words).

I think I should be chosen for TS3 Staff because I am frequently on Teamspeak and always being friendly to people. I have experience with TeamSpeak staff ranks as I have previously owned and staffed Teamspeak servers before. Every day I get home from school ( if weekdays ) I load up TS3 and talk to people. I haven't got many punishments from TeamSpeak before, only a few kicks and 1 ban ( was removed later on due to a misconception ) but I haven't offended anyone just been a little bit immature in the past. I remember the rules alot and never break them.

Thanks for reading and reviewing my application!
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[TS3] Stratiic's Application. 9 years 8 months ago #142200

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[TS3] Stratiic's Application. 9 years 8 months ago #145680

Not seen much on TS
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I hope I helped and you can help me by thanking this post.

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