Player related information
Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
20 years old.
Languages I speak:
Dutch (main language),
English (2nd main language).
TS3 related information
How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3?
I would pull the victim and the bully to a spacer, and ask for both sides of the story. I will take a look on both story's from a neutral stance and act upon that. If the bullying isn't too bad, I will most likely speak with the bully alone and give him a verbal warning. If it is crossing the line, he will receive an appropriate temp. ban.
Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used
Remove user avatar
If the user is using a inappropriate avatar I will use this to remove his/her avatar and talk to him in private about not using it again and why he/she can't use it.
Set Group
When a player receives a rank on one of Zarp's servers (ex. Moderator, Administrator) I will check his/her application and set his/her group equal to their accepted rank.
When a user wants to speak with a staffmember in private, I would ask both the staffmember and the user for premission to move them into a private channel (ex. a spacer)
If a user decides to spam his mic, and doesn't stop after a verbal warning I would proceed to kick the user.
If a user decides to spam virus or other dangerous links around, and/or threatens to DDOS the server I would ban the user for a appropriate amount of time.
Why I should be chosen? (we recommend around 50 words).
I am very active on our teamspeak 3 server, and feel like I would be a good help for the current teamspeak 3 staffmembers. I've been with the community for almost 2 years, and I am trusted with power.. As I am trusted with the ownership of our PERP server, and am trusted with Administrator power on our SSRP server and I am trusted with section moderator power here on our forums. I aim to help as many people as I can, and I think would be able to help many more with this position.
Thank you for your time.