Add in the gametracker links provided by RedWingz.
-No gametime for server 2.
-Is this an exception for me to talk or server 1 gametime is bad in the long-run?
I will Talk to them and Explain to them That Disrespecting People and Staff Is not good and It doesnt help anyone Out it just makes things Worst and I will Tell Him to Stop and If he Continues I will kick him and if he comes back then I will ban him for 5 hours.
Great moderator material right there!
-Doesn't mention warn/gag/mute commands.
-Moderators cannot ban.
-A SSRP Admin that doesn't understand this.
-Can't handle simple disrespectful situations.
-Common sense to not disrespect.
Stop using Capitals Where They Don't Belong.
-I cannot check your warnings.
TigzI am sorry but I have to say this, it annoys me if I do not, we were playing yesterday and then you go I will apply but going to get denied, why apply to get denied?
Do the same thing I do to people that say this.
"Don't do it then".