RangerWalrus wrote:
No need for the AAC Honeybadger.
I don't think we need a Winchester honestly.
The Kriss Vector operates a bit like the M16 I believe but with slower fire rate.
Now, the Poison Station.
I like the idea of it, but it would be a waste.
No need to reskins.
If you want to have a gun reskined, subscribe to the item yourself as I see no point of this.
-Wrong section.
Tomvtv wrote:1. The guns on their own won't make the server better at all.
2. The Poison Station really doesn't have much use.
3. You can sub to the skin and use it yourself....
Overall - None of these suggestions seem worth it.
I agree with Walrus and Tom I don't really see the point in adding this stuff to the server.