Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42223033
Age: 16
Languages I speak: English, (Large amount of French)
TS3 Related:
How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3? Move both players into a spacer and talk about the problem, ask for both sides of the story and make a decision depending on the situation. Ban if needed, but no overuse.
Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used
Kick Client: Kick a user from the channel to the afk lobby due to a single offense, such as playing music without permission.
Ban Client: Ban a client from the server for a period of time due to multiple offenses, such as harassing staff, racism, or descrimination.
Move User: Move users that are offending others/breaking rules to a channel to talk.
Channel Password: Lock a channel to prevent users that do not know the password joining. Unlikely to be used.
Delete User Avatar: Remove a user's avatar picture if it is offensive or against terms of use.
Why I should be chosen?:
As shown by my excellent administration of the Castle Crashers TS Channel, I already know the details of managing users. I am on the TS every night from around 7pm onwards, and on weekends for the majority of the day. In Teamspeak I try to be friendly to those that I play with, and recently have started talking to others about the games that they are playing. Finally I have read the Terms of Use multiple times (which is has an error on TS "• Terms Of Use •", with the rules going from 2-->4, missing rule 3) and understand them fully.
Thanks for reading