Link to Steam Profile:Steam Profile
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:24087105
Age: 19
Estimated Server Time: 10+ hours including the beta test
Languages I speak: English
What would you do if you saw a player using Client Side Modification [I.e Hacking] which has not already been picked up by the Anti-Cheat?:
If it is clear that the player is using client side modifications to gain an unfair advantage above other players, I will do what ever is in my ability to stop the player temporarily and then notify a higher rank so they may deal with them.
A player accuses another of using a form of Client Side Modification [I.e Hacking] although you do not have any proof regarding the situation, what do you do?:
I will ask the accuser of any proof. If there is valid proof, I will notify a higher rank of the hacker so he may be dealt with properly for his actions. If there is no proof, I will have to keep an eye on the accused player and may ask other staff to keep an eye out for anything suspicious with the accused player.
What would you do if a player was spamming in-game using their microphone and/or in chat?:
I will ask them politely to stop spamming. If they refuse/continue then I will kick the player for spamming the server, he has already been verbally warned. If they return to continue then I will request that a higher rank staff member take action.
Why should you be chosen for RUST staff?:
I feel I should be chosen for Rust staff because I am dedicated to ZARP completely and I have quite high responsibilities in the community already so I will take to the role quite easily with no trouble or abuse. I assisted with the beta and have enjoyed being a part of this becoming an actual server public to everyone. I am more than happy to assist new players and long serving members in any way I can. I will go out my way to help improve the server in any way possible for me as a staff member. I hope everyone reading this feels that I will do a good job with this role and I thank you all for reading.