Steam Name: Nexize
Forum Name: Nexize
What server(s) are you active on?:
& currently trying
17 & turning
18 at dec 21th
I am From: Germany
Time spent with Zarp Gaming?: Arround 460 hours gametime & I joined arround 4-5 Months ago I believe.
How often do you come on the forums:
I'm online everyday and looking through the forums everytime, mostly I've it open in the background or I am online with phone when I am not at my PC.
So I'm checking the forum
Why You?:
- I'm applying for the DarkRP Section/ Server Applications Section and should be choosen because I'm a really active player.
- I'm visiting the forums everyday and checking it constantly, I'm answering as much people/Threads as I can.
For example, in Applications ( Mod or Admin ) I am trying to give as much feedback as possible to help the Applying player to change things in his/her Application or attiude.
- I am polite, mature and trying to be as friendly as I can to everyone.
- On the DarkRP Servers I am currently Administrator, therefore I am already trustworthy with powers and know how to handle things.
- I'd love to be able to help the community even more than I am trying to do now. I enjoy playing and helping on Zarp.
- If I need to choose I'd prefer the Server Application Section because I am way more interested and active there.
Thanks for taking your time to read my Application, I'd appreciate feedback.
Please make sure to explain your feedback so I can work with it in the future.
- Nex