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Steam name: Buzz [M4H] NL
Link to steamprofile : steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071510881 SteamID: 76561198071510881 Age: 16 Link to gametrack server: www.gametracker.com/player/Buzz%20%5BM4H.../ Language's I speak: Dutch perfect , English pretty good. Explain RDM and give an example scenario: RDM is when an innocent shoots an other innocent, Example: if there are 3 people left and 2 inno 1 traitor, that 1 of the inno just shoots the 1st person he see's , Thats RDM. Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario: The detective can put KOS on people. If you witnessed someone shooting an other guy you first need to check the body if it was inno or a T , if it was an inno you can put KOS on him And if it was a T you can say he is proven. and if you get shot by someone you can put KOS on him. like im walking around im getting sniped i see the guy his name i can type his name with KOS behind it and saying he shot me. Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios: If you see a guy just walking away from the group whole time and you suspect he is a T you still cant put KOS on him, And you can't put KOS on someone if you dont have any proof. Why I should be chosen (longer answer expected here - at least 75 words): Well I first gotta say that i can only come online on gmod TTT in the weekend but whenever i am online maybe early in the morning or late in the evening i almost never see a TTT admin and/or moderator online and that bumps me a little. i also see that the RDM's are a bit higher without any admins or mods on the server a.t.m then. and i would like to fix that as much as possible. i said already i can only be online in the weekend's but i do play alot of TTT then. im gonna say honest i have never been an admin on gmod server so im not really skilled in it ( but i hope mogadonskoda teaches me a bit) but when im in the weekend i do play alot of TTT so this is my application and you can ask yourselves if you need a active moderator in TTT in the weekends. |
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You have only played 3 days over the past month, you should work on your recent game time and apply again. |
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As i mentioned i can only be online in the weekends because of some mother dad issues. so i will be online more often in the upcoming weekends
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First and foremost, we'd like to thank you for making the effort to apply for a rank on the ZARP Trouble in Terrorist Town server. Your application has been discussed at an administrative meeting, and from there it has been voted on.
Unfortunately as more staff members voted 'no' than 'yes', the application has been denied. However, the meeting host has taken some criticisms made by the admins and provided you with this feedback: Inactivity, work on answers in your application . |
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