Steam Name: M'aiq The Liar
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81350699
Current Gamertracker Profiles:
Age: 14
Estimated Server Time: 1135 Minutes.
Spoken Languages: I can speak English and I am alright at easy words in French and Irish.
Random Death Match (RDM) means killing a person with no valid reason. A guy can RDM by intentionally throwing a grenade to kill Innocents, Or even some people shoot at Innocents since they aim at you.
Kill on Sight (KOS) KOS is acceptable if:
1. The person walked up to a guy. The person shooting the guy, with him shooting the first bullet.
2. The person is walking around. The person is carrying a Traitor weapon whilst having no excuse or explanation to have it.
3. A person killed an Innocent and ran away. The dead Innocent is DNA scanned and the person was detected and killed. This is wrong if they were rdming, and were called out at rdming by several people.
KOS is unacceptable if:
1. An Innocent called out a Traitors name and another Innocent killed him and checked him and the Detective killed him for killing a guy.
2. An Innocent kills a AFK person without permission from the Moderators or Detective(s).
Why I should be chosen:
I am just a normal gamer, Which I am pretty good at games (M'aiq the
LIAR) I enjoy helping people, This is my main part of applicating. I also have quite a funny sense of humour (When the timing is right) and I am mature enough to become a Moderator. This is a server with a quite special community, The community is one of the best i've seen in a long time. Most communities of other servers scream RDM in your face and leaving.
Hope you guys seriously accept this.
P.S I am a pretty nice guy.