Firstly, I would like to point out that I didn't include a specific section in my Application's title. That is because I'm applying for multiple sections; the sections will be:
Moderator Applications
Steam Name -
Forum Name -
What servers are you active on? -
DarkRP & Deathrun
Age -
I am From:
Glasgow, Scotland
Time spent with Zarp Gaming? -
3 Months, 1 day.
How often do you come on the forums
A more accurate question would be how often do I come OFF the forums. I am constantly browsing and monitoring the forums.
Why You?
I'm constantly on the forums and enjoy reading up on the latest on-goings within our community. As I mentioned I'm on the forums constantly but do not post constantly. I would like to help new members of the community with their Moderator applications, however in the past I have felt that perhaps that kind of help should be supplied by a section moderator in that specific instance as they are more suited to the task. As SuperAdmin on Deathrun & Admin on DarkRP it is possible I may have to answer Ban Appeals in the Appeals Section, being a Moderator within said section would benefit me greatly in my opinion. I will quickly explain why I have chosen 4 specific sections; as a staff member on both Deathrun & DarkRP I thought it would be suitable to apply for these sections. In regard to the Appeals Section & Moderator Application Section; both of these sections are used for Deathrun & DarkRP.
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my Application.
Regards, Spadille.