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Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario
Random death match also known as rdm is when a player kills another player with out eny proof of that pearson being traitor.
a new round of ttt has just started and everyone walks out of the main spawn area to find someweapons everyone but player y he stay's in spawn and takes hes time to kill all the afk's if he do so then he has broken the rule rdm.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario
1 player y is a traitor and player x is a detective player y later in the round throws in a granade into a big crowd of people and player x see's it and calls KOS on player y.
2 player y (detective) see's player x (traitor) kill player å (innocent) player y then calls kos on player x
3 player player y (detective) collects and sampels alot of dna and figures out that player x (traitor) is a traitor he then calls kos on him.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios
1 player y (detective) says this in the chatt "going in that that house over there is KOS".
2 player y is walking in a quiet place and suddenly player x comes by walking the same way as player y. player y then calls kos on player x for following him.
Why I should be chosen (longer answer expected here - at least 75 words)
becouse i think i am good for the job and knows how ulx works also i think i have some good potential in keeping the server acctive i also have a mic that helps alot when situations get a little bit hot for just a keyboard. i dont have much experience but i have been admin on one ttt server but not for long becouse the server was not that acctive. i was going to apply on the old ttt server but sadly it closed down and now when its upp again dcx have whanted me to apply again so here i go.