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TOPIC: [TS3] TheBrohman's Application

[TS3] TheBrohman's Application 10 years 6 months ago #58713


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Languages I speak
Fluent Norwegian, almost fluent English, understand swedish and danish, and speaking some Spanish.

TS3 Related

How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3?
I would start with taking the victim to a channel for our selves. I would then listen to her/his story, and make him/her comfortable with talking with me, to not feel pressured to something. I then would try to cheer him/her up, before bringing the bully to the channel. I would ask the bully for his/her story of what had happened.

If the Bully did bully the victim, without knowing, I would give the bully a verbal warning and say that sometimes, even if just for fun, saying something about someone, can hurt the person being talked about.

If the bully was bullying and knowing so, I would give a verbal warning saying if this occoured again, the consequenses would be more harsh.

Then I would bring the bully back to the room he/she was in, and then talk more with the victim to make sure he/she is alright, before brining him/her to the room he/she was in.

Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used appropriately.
Kick from Server: Kicks a person from the TeamSpeak Server and is used when they are for example mic spamming, and can be used as a sort of warning.
Kick from Channel: Kicks a person from the TeamSpeak channel he is in, and into another (I think it is the lobby room)
Ban from Server: Bans a person from the TeamSpeak Server, and is used when they are breaking rules over and over after several warns, but not listening.
Priority Speaker: I am not 100% sure if this is administrative, but this can be used on EG meetings. It will make so the client with the Priority Speaker, will be heard over the other clients in the channel.
Set Server Group: Sets a client's group for the whole channel, EG making Deathrun staff members able to join the Deathrun Staff room, and all types of staff members to join the staff room.
Set Channel Group: Sets a client's group for the channel he is in. EG Channel Admin. This only shows in the channel they have Channel Croup set for, and not in other channels. EG: A person gets Channnel Admin in Chat Room 1. When he joins another room, EG Chat Room 2, the Channel Admin badge wont show up, and he wont have his perms.

Why I should be chosen (longer answer expected here - at least 70 words).
I think I should be accepted since I am always on TeamSpeak when I am on my computer, even if I am on any of the Zarp servers or not, even if I am just painting in paint. I like helping people who needs it, due to it makes me feel accomplished in life, especially bully victims. I dont like people who troll and bully other people, and I am a person one can talk to with their problems. I am a good listener when needed.
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[TS3] TheBrohman's Application 10 years 6 months ago #59872

  • LazyBro
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