Languages I speak : English, taking Spanish 1 through 4 courses in Highschool.
How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3?If Billy was being bullied in the ZARP Gaming Teamspeak, I would bring him into a non-joinable room, and talk to him about the situation. I would be sure To ask how long the bullying has been going for, and the severity of the situation. Depending on these two Things, I would either kick, or ban the player bullying Billy. I do not tolerate Bullying in real life, and this is the same for teamspeak.
Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used appropriately.
Ban - Removes the player off of the server, for a set amount of time. The time can range anywhere from 1 second, to a permenant ban. This action is usually set upon player's bullying or harassing users on the teamspeak server.
Kick - This command, kick's the player off of the teamspeak. They can always join back, once this is done.
Set Group - This command is a Teamspeak Administrator Command Only. You can right click on a player in the teamspeak, and set there rank.Example - Billy Changes Tom's rank to Death Run Staff.
Move - This command can move a player to another channel in the teamspeak. Example - "Chuteuk" was moved from channel "Meeting Room" to "Community Team Room" by "Chris"
Why I should be chosen (longer answer expected here - at least 70 words). I should be chosen because I'm a very mature, active, and professional community member, as well as a staff member. I have never abused my powers on the teamspeak, or on my set Server's that I am staff on. I am very friendly to new comers on the TS3 Server; I am usually on the Teamspeak all day. I know almost everyone on the teamspeak, from normal users, to staff members. Another keypoint is that I am in a US Time zone. I will be on when most of the Teamspeak Administrators and Moderators are offline.
[TS3] Morgan's Moderator Application
10 years 6 months ago #47122
Nice app but
"Dragging billy into a non joinable room" isn't good enough.
Cyber bully is a crime and you wouldn't deal with it yourself.. You get the name of the "Bully" and then Chris or chute can report them to the appropriate authorities.