Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
GMT +2
Languages I speak:
German , English , Turkish
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?:
First i would tell the player to stop that. If he's doing it agian i would give him a warning. And ifhe's not listening to me i would give him a gag and if he's breaking any rules i would kick him.
Why I should be chosen?:
First of all i want to help the server with looking for troublemakers. I would be online everyday like at least 2 hours. Sometimes if Staff members were offline i see people who mic spamming a lot or who trolling other peoples. I also know lots of commands for ULX and i know how to use them and i know the rules. I also have lots of experience (My Garrysmod playtime is something like 1.800 hours). But my main reason for being mod is to help the server from troublemakers (voice and chat spamming ect...).
(My english isn't the best i know but i am speaking at home 2 other languages)
Thanks for reading the application!