Steam name: RandomdudeDK
Link to steam profile:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25808731
Name: Mathias Reiths Bastholm
Age: 20
Spoken languages: English and Danish
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?
I would tell the person to stop, whatever he is doing to provoke other people.
if the person doesnt stop because of that, i would give him a warning.
if he still wont stop whatever he is doing, then i would tell him
that im going to kick him if he doesnt stop. after that he will be kicked (2 warnings, then kick).
DR related:
Why i should be chosen: I should be chosen because i love to play deathrun.
I have been playing a lot lately, and have met pretty many people who are trapstealing, preactivating etc.
and i find that pretty annoying. besides that i am the one who would always help a person who needs it.
i am a very nice guy, and a lot i have talked to on the zarp servers can confirm that.
i will always respect the rules, and i would never abuse the power as a moderator.
i just want to make the zarp servers as good a place as possible.