At start, I know that I should'nt leave this community - when Nameful told me, that " I HAVE GOT DEMOTED" I was really pissed of and confused. This was time of my school problems, I was depressed aswell. Anyways, I would like to apologise for everything and I will ask for second chance in ZARP Staff Team.
RP Name
Emperor Palpatine (Old one : Gregory TWIX)
Link to Steam Profile
Current Gametracker Profile
Estimated Server Time
9432 minutes ( 1 year for now )
Languages I speak
Polish (Perfect, main language), English (Quite fluently), German (Simple lines but can communicate little a bit)
DarkRP Related
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario.
RDM – Random Deathmatching is killing someone without valid roleplay reason, for
Radio Manager: Hello Buddy!
Citizen: Hi there!
RM : Do you need some music ?
Citizen : Nope
RM : DIE THEN !!! MUAHAHAHA (Here Radio Manager kills Citizen)
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario.
NLR – New Live Rule is one of most important rules, which are broken really often. NLR means that when you die you can't return to area where you died and you can’t remember name of person, which killed you (Whole rule have time limit – 3 MINUTES). Coming back to area where you died (Example : Hospital), even waiting outside to kill your murderer is breaking rule !
Example :
Gundealer is being raided by Thief. Thief got killed inside of gunstore by Cop, Thief instantly return and kills Gundealer and actually steal his weapons
Explain "Metagaming" and give an example scenario.
Metagaming is communicating in OOC (Out of character) about in game problem such as raiding, stealing, finding free printers etc. It’s great form of abusing roleplay features.
Example :
Snickers got raided by AwesomePersonBest4Ever2013 and base owner got killed. Next AwesomePersonBest4Ever2013 found printers started collecting money. For this time Snickers write message in OOC telling people that “I AM BEING RAIDED, MY PRINTERS ARE GOING TO BE DESTROYED HELP ME !”
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
First of all I’m going to listen to each side, then check console logs. If logs shows “Player X was killed by Player Y with weapon_random” I’m going to warn player Y and tell him that he lied me (eventually warn him for making administrate harder). After all I’m going to thank Player X for reporting rulebreaker.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
First of all I’m going to bring players to more private place such as roof. Next I’m going to listen to each side carefully and look into logs. If these logs are quite close together it means, that its big possibility of breaking NLR. I am going to explain this and warn rulebreaker. As admin I can check NLR timing, with command available in console.
If someone from these players is walking around, disrespecting, insulting or something like this, he will get frozen indefinitely and eventually warned (Depends on situation).
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x calls for help in the OOC chat because his bank is being raided
To deal with this situation, I will goto player X, tell him that he is Metagaming, and I’m going to teach him not to do this and warn him for breaking rules.
Why I should be chosen (longer answer expected here - at least 150 words).
As an old Admin of ZARP I have great rules knowledge. I remember old times where people loved my help and I appreciated their opinion. I really miss these times, but why not try again ? I am polite and patient person with ability to cooperate in groups. I really like helping people. It makes me satisfied and happy. I am active on forums, I will be active in game. In some time I was one of most active admins on server. I would like to serve ZARP once again with most professionalism from my side, I will try to do my best.
Maybe some describe of yourself ? I am 16 years old and for now I started learning in really good IT school in my country. I am learning to program in LUA and C++. I am coming from Poland witch everyone hates because of little kids on Internet. I am looking for good people to teamwork and I would like to make new friendships.
If someone remember me from Old Zarp/before resign, I would like to tell Thanks really much for remember person such as me. Even I have a lot of friends in Staff Team, I appreciate this friendship. I think it’s something about 226 words.
I would like to Thank You for your attention, any feedback will be appreciated