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Why do I want to become a volunteer moderator:
I may have resigned, but seeing how much help still is needed and due to I am still active on the server(s) I want to help a bit at least. Anything else I want to add: You know about my activity and you know the way I am working with powers. It now is yours to judge about me, so do it wisely please. Don't get influenced by anything but my recent work. do i heve a mic ! yes i heve |
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I don't want to act like a forum admin or anything but i am sure if you
don't use the right template and have some time to fill stuff in, this will be denied.. I saw that the App was rushed when i saw the title. Sorry but if that is too much for you i think you are not mod material. |
Last Edit: 10 years 9 months ago by TheAp4ch3.
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-Support, Reasons:
i was priest, got over 1m in my donation box he see's it changes to priest & steals money than changes back to master thief... A video how he is rdming me... 1ste he kills me with no reason... i go back with recorder on... to ask why he killed me.. Listen To His Reasons..... |
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I'm confused. Is there some sort of new moderator app? if not this isn't even the full template...
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