KX ~Ben~'s Mod Application!
RP Name: [SuperMax | Owner] Jofery Samuel
Link to Steam Profile steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198005833798
SteamID STEAM_0:0:22784035
Age 14
Estimated Server Time About: I have played the server over the course of about one year and have played at least 150+ Hours (I know this might seem a lot but I used to have two steam accounts
Languages I speak English, French
DarkRP Related
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario.
Random Death match or as some people call it RDM is when a player is killed without a role play reason. This can result in a warning, a kick or even sometimes a ban.
Example Scenario: Jason walked down the street when suddenly another Thief with a gun came up to Jason and killed him for no reason whatsoever. Luckily for Jason a moderator had sorted out the problem and the trouble maker was kicked from the server
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario.
Example Scenario:
Two thief's raided Jason's base. Unfortunately they had killed him during the raid and where now cracking open his storage where he kept his money printers. In rage and worry he went back to kill them so he would not loose his printers but he was breaking New Life Rule because he came back when he was killed with a role play reason and remembered things from his past life (That he was being raided)
Explanation: New Life Rule or as some people call it NLR is when a player had been killed with a role play reason such as: Not dropping money when mugged or being killed when your house is raided. and coming back to that situation to get revenge to kill or kill the players. Doing this makes the game less realistic because in real life you would not go back to where you have just died.
Explain "Metagaming" and give an example scenario.
Example Scenario: // Josh where being raided by cops come and help! or /advert Josh where being raided by cops come and help!
Explanation: Metagaming is when you use RP information in OOC
Why I should be chosen (longer answer expected here - at least 150 words). I would be a great addition to the community producing fun things to do and getting straight to the point when it comes to sorting out a problem. I will not be so harsh in small situations like a accident. I will be kind to younger players and respect them as I would any other person. I am very experienced when It comes to dark RP with over 500 hours played on a range of servers. I am also a ZARP V.I.P which has improved the time I play on it more therefor making me want to help it grow and keep it safe and fun for other players. So If you want a kind, helpful and creative mod choose me I am what this server needs to make it a better place for players and other members of ZARP staff to enjoy their role play experience in this wonderful server and help the community grow by showing people how friendly and caring the staff can be.
(169 Words)
- Thank You ZARP V.I.P KX ~Ben~
Oh yea Also I know I have broke a lot of rules due to me still being uneasy on the rules of Dark RP but now I have not had a warn in four days (I had a accidental one that was given to me by mistake by Angry Kitty) and I have became very experienced with Dark RP rules and ZARP's rules in general. I have contributed to the server by donating and I though what better way to help it even more buy sorting out problems and making it more enjoyable for the players. So I know I have broke a lot of rules but please let this redeem what I have done.
Also if anyone would like to join my ZARP Dark RP clan here is the application formats. And if you could give me some criticism I would appreciate it