RP Name:[ZARP]3PX2
Link to Steam Profile:steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046791985/
Estimated Server Time:Totally 64 Hours You can see it here
Languages I Speak:English,Turkish
Random Death Match:Random Death Match is the act of going up to a random person and killing them for no reason.
Scenario:Killing a someone inside of your house during building it is not Random Deathmatch but Shooting everyone whoever you see . it is RandomDeathmatch
New Life Rule:The New Life Rule comes into effect if you are killed.Don't go back to where you died.(3 Minutes).What NLR means is you forget everything that happened before you died.You can't return to the area you died. ( 3minutes)
Scenario:if I'm died in the gas station, I am return back there in 3 Minutes (its NLR).
Metagaming:Metagaming can be defined as any out of character action made by a player's character which makes use of knowledge that the character is not meant to be aware of.
Scenario:I killed him because I don't like his voice. its Metagaming
Why I Should be Chosen:Because I can speak Turkish.I think not Turkish Moderator/Admin in the server.Turkish players likes Zarp Server.I will be 2-4 Hours on duty (each day).My server played time is high.I should be chosen because I've played alot of Darkrp and have through all that time learned to solve many problems as admin or mod on other RP servers.
I can handle many different problems calmly.I'm not racist.I can keep the server away from RDM, NLR breakers,CDM,PropPush vs.My Computer hardware is strong.I'm funny.We could have fun with players.