Steam Name-B.Daniel
Link to Steam Profile-
Screenshot of server time (displayed in top right of screen)
I have no idea where it is because its not displayed for me (I think its like 12 h or something like that)
Languages I speak
Lithuanian,English,a bit russian
TTT Related
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario.
Random Death Match means when you kill person without reason or proof
For example Innocent killing Traitor just because he wanted
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario.
]When a person is holding a T weapon
When a person is ressisting the tester (If forced by detective)
When a person shot someone (Not the traitor)
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios.
When a person is ressisting the tester (Not forced)
When a person is camping
Why I should be chosen (longer answer expected here - at least 150 words).
Because I am expirienced moderator and I have been moderator in darkRP for about 3 months and I think I am expirienced enough to become moderator in the TTT. I woud slay people who RDMs for next round.I woud slay AFK people and if they still do not respond I woud force them to go to the spectators. I woud help people if they are new to the gamemode. I woud suggest as many stuff as possible to the server: Maps,addons,weapons,Special equipment,plugins and mutch more. I woud make as mutch friends as possible and keep inviting as mutch people to the server as possible. I woud be active as mutch as possible (And keep activity in the darkRP too) I woud make as mutch topics in the TTT page as possible. I woud report people who leaves the server and avoids punishment.
(sorry for terrible grammar)