Steam Name: pjread01
Forum Name: It is currently pjread01, but I'd like to get it changed to £I'mBritish£
What server(s) are you active on?: I'm active on both, as I am admin on both, by 'both' I mean TTT and DarkRP.
Age: 13
I am From: Northern Ireland
Time spent with Zarp Gaming?: I've been here a long time, since the old Zarp townsend, and New zarp downtown.
How often do you come on the forums: Everyday, I love reviewing the new topics and replying to the new users who may just be here
Why You?: Well, I've been here a LONG time, not as long as some other people but long none the less. I am a trusted player and admin on both TTT and DarkRP. The forums are a hectic place to be honest, I've got knowledge of the rules of the forums and am reliable when the matter arises. I can take care of situtations without bother, aswell. I understand who to trust and who not to, I can take both sides into account while doing 'Ban Appeals' as well as 'Ban Requests' I think I'd be a good person to have as a part of the forum staff, but that's up to you guys.
Thank's for reading