RP Name: ♣Ultimhate♣
Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016306115/
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:28020193
Age: 42 years.
Estimated Server Time: A little over 40 hours.
Languages I speak: i Speak both danish and english.
DarkRP Related.
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match or
RDM is when a player kill another player with a non legit reason.
Legit reason to kill: (when someone is raiding a house and the owner kill them, or if the player kill someone in self defense).
Non legit reason to kill: (when a player kill someone because they say somthing bad to him, or if the player kill someone for pointing a gun at him).
(These are only a few examples there are more to add for both of them).
Scenario example:
(Billy meets john on the street and John says "Screw you" to billy so Billy kills John). (So Billy violated
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario.
New Life Rule or
NLR is broken when a player die and then return's to the place he died before the three minutes runs out, NLR also means as the title says "New Life Rule" which means you got "a new life" and can't remember your past nor how you died, unless you where killed for non RP reasons.
Legit reson to break NLR: (you kill your self with a prop and return to the place).
Non legit reason to break NLR: (you get killed in you base during a raid and then return to your base).
(these are one a few examples there's more to add for both of them)
Scenario example:
(Billy get's raided by John, Jhon then kills Billy but right after spawn billy decides to go back and fight John again). (Billy Violated
Explain "Metagaming" and give an example scenario.
Metagaming Is when a player talks about
IC (in-character) things in the
OOC (out-of-Character) chat, or if a player see an item through the wall and then makes an Ingame decision from that item.
Scenario example:
(Billy got a base and police officer John see one of Billys weed plants through the wall, then John makes Billy wanted for the plant) (John violated
Why I should be chosen:
I should be chosen because im on ther server alot, and would like to help it out the best way i possibly can plus i got a mic. I am on the server when there's usually not any Mods or Admins on, but even thou there is no or few admins or mods on there's still some players on.
I should also be chosen because i got good knowledge about the admin and mod stuff as i've been mod and admin on other DarkRP servers and other gamemodes in gmod, so this is not anything new for me. But the main reason i should be chosen is because i like the server and really want to help it against all the rulebreakers, cause when i join the server in the morning there's alot of problems and no one to solve them, by the way if you wonder what my timezone is, it's +1GMT as im from scandinavia.
But i really hope that i will have the chance to help out!
Thank you for reading.