Well if all the admin´s are telling the truth then I'm pretty sure i changed my mind,
ooh and you where the guy who made a new account to support ur own apply!
No no no no no
Ironchu wrote:
[s:3vj93fvs]Well hunter then ur ready for me![/s:3vj93fvs]
[size=360:3vj93fvs]My new opinion[/size]
Ur a lier to the community, you lied about ur age and you supported ur own apply!
That shows alot of ... (sorry didn´t know the name of it)
My new opinion is a [size=360:3vj93fvs]
You play alot on zarp. But are you sure you want to be a staff who helps people?
Please anwer this question: Are you even ready?