Christopher wrote:
You shouldn't go and insult someone like that, give the name of the person who said that.
And you're -Supporting because you don't like him, not an really valid reason to -S.
It was me. I was asked if I considered you a potential admin for PERP. As much as I like you, we had a talk, pre-asked about your admin application. In which you asked me to explain PERP and PERP rules.
There is nothing wrong with being new to a gamemode. But if you're new to another level to RP (it should be that is) compared to DarkRP, which different rules and different habbits; I think you should become more acquanted with it before applying for admin. As much as I like you, I don't excuse this consideration, even with my closest ZARP friends. This will not only prevent players from ugly conflicts, but yourself too. As PERP is really something you need to learn and look into. I know you've been doing it, but a day, day-half is not sufficient.
As much as I can see nothing offensive was said. So please calm down, all of you. If you already gave your -support or +support with an explanation to why, please stop replying.