Real Name:
Steam Username:
Steam Nickname:
ZARP | Bobai
Steam ID:
What server you wish to get a rank on?
Trouble In Terrorist Town
What is your current rank?
Administrator on DARKRP, User on TTT
Languages mastered:
English, Norwegian, Polish.
Rate your english from 1/10 scale.
Do you have a microphone?
Yea, I do own one.
Have you ever been administrator/moderator on any other communities? Own servers excluded.
Yes, I have been Administrator and Moderator before, on KDG, Old ZARP, I am Admin on DARKRP, and I have also been Moderator on SDG
Tell us about yourself (30-100 words)
My name is Adam, I am a very known player on ZARP, I love TTT and I got many friends and good times on TTT, I am a mature gamer and I am going to be very active from now, Why I wasn't?, beacouse I was on a trip in Molde and Warszawa.
Why do you want to be an admin / mod?
Beacouse I love TTT, I know ULX, and I am very experienced in being Moderator / Administrator, I love to play TTT and I will be very active on it.
What is your added value to the community apart from taking care of grievers? (atleast 150 words)
Fun, Yea, Defienietly fun, I will bring much fun to TTT servers, How? well, by taking care of bad players, I will be trying to add Some Tutorial courses for new players, I will be a fair moderator and I want to learn players new stuff and do the best i can as moderator, I will tell people tips & tricks in TTT and do so they feel more than a player.
Have you had enough community bonding so far? Like what?
Yea, I do.
What do you expect from your mentor/training (atleast 150 words)?
I expect hard training, a training where they will tell me "you did bad, Do it again", I want to learn new stuff, and to be the best Moderator on TTT, I want him to tell me Tips & Tricks in playing and how to see that players are doing bad stuff.
Anything else you want to add?
What means RDM? Give atleast 1 example situation.
RDM Means Random Deathmatch, For example, If a Innocent Kills another player without any Proof that he is a Traitor or if the preson is Innocent / Checked, If a Traitor kills Traitor, It counts also as RDM.
What would you do if a player breaks RDM?
I would defienietly tell him what he have done wrong, I would slay him next round and tell him to read F1 (Tutorial) while the next round is playing[/align:2o7p2c43]