Real name:
United States
Total Playtime:
204 Hours
In-Game & Username & Steam ID:
Username: JangoDown
SteamID: JangoDown
What server you wish to get a rank on?
|5|ZARP|DarkRP|Zuthar 13|Custom jobs/entities|Semi Serious|
Languages mastered:
English (Learning Spanish)
Rate your English from 1/10 scale.
8.5/10 Pretty solid in English, sometimes I come across a word or two I don't know.
Have you ever been administrator/moderator on any other communities? Own servers excluded:
Not in any Steam related games. Was a moderator in a few channels (If that says anything)
What means NLR? Give at least 1 example situation.
NLR is when you die you cannot return to the place of death for 15 minutes, you also forget everything from the past life Example: Chuck gets killed and wants to return for vengence, if I return to the place of death, that is breaking NLR.
What means RDM? Give at least 1 example situation.
RDM = Random Death Match. This means a player killed another player without any reason. Example: Chuck shoots someone and kills them for not doing something he asks or for no reason whatsoever.
What means MetaGaming? Give at least 1 example situation.
MetaGaming is when a player is receiving information from an outside source who knows prior knowledge. Example: A friend telling Chuck that there are players in a certain area or there are resources that are owned by another player and that you should go steal them.
What would you do if a player breaks NLR?
Be nice at first, show them you are willing to be a good sport about if they don't do it again, you don't want them thinking less of you. You want more people to come and enjoy and server. If they do it again, give them a warning rather than kick right away, tell them that if they do it again that they will be kicked. If they do it a third time, they will be kicked. If they do it a fourth time, they will be banned for an appropriate time period.
What would you do if a player breaks RDM?
Same as the above NLR. First offense, polite warning. Second offense, kick. Third offense, ban for an appropriate time period.
Requirements for candidating
Do you have a microphone?
Yes and I will use it as much as I can
Can you be online atleast three/four days a week for atleast a few hours those days?
Of course, though some same will be tough with after school things, I will have time to be on.
Are you older than 13?
Yes, I am 15 years old.
If you don't follow the rules yourself you will get demoted and banned if needed you understand, you will dedicate to a training program and have answered each questions personally. Copied applications will be denied at once. Do you understand?
I understand. Please inform me if I took anything from somebody else's application.
Will you respect all players in both respect and disrespectful behavior?
Yes, I always try to treat players respectfully as much as I can.
My plea for moderation
What is your added value to the community apart from taking care of greivers? (atleast 150 words)
My added value to the community would be for me, myself, to learn from my experiences and mistakes so I can learn from them to understand Admin better. I will respect all other players and listen to what they have to say and if they need something I can be there. I will always try my best if I gain a high priority and help bring others to the community to have as much fun as we usually do. I will always try to stop people from being hurtful to one another. I really hope to value the community by getting along with everyone in the server and interacting with them as best as I can. I promise to follow all the rules as Admin and if I accidently break one, learn from my mistakes, I believe every player/Admin should have the best experience in a roleplaying server and or any server.
Have you had enough community bonding so far?
Yes, I normally recognize a lot of the players that are normally there, I enjoy playing with them. We have certainly gone through plenty of laughs and I an hoping to have more good memories. I have made many new friends in the ZARP Gaming server and in many others, but the best experiences have been in the ZARP Dark RP server that I listed above.
What do you expect from your mentor/training (at least 150 words)?
I expect my mentor to be respectful and to give me constructive criticism. I will respect my mentor and listen to the things he has to teach me, and maybe he will learn a few things as well. I expect them to be fun and to make the best out of training. I expect them to understand that I will be new to these sorts of things and to accept if I make a mistake or two. I expect them to be accept ant if something comes up and I have to leave. I expect them to teach me important commands to use if someone from the server breaks a rule. I want him or her to understand I have read up on the latest rules. I expect them to get angry once in a while if I DO make a bad mistake and for them to teach me not to do it again. I believe that is what a mentor should be like, Strict, but respectable and nice. That is what I expect from a mentor.
Thanks for reading - JangoDown.