Fruerlund wrote:
What is your added value to the community apart from taking care of grievers? (atleast 150 words)
Personally I am a very great person, but so are we all? I know the rules. I don't mess around. I am a roleplayer. But those are all fine words. To be honest a person is defined by the way he acts, and especially to new people. When a new player joins the server, they are often unaware of the rules unfortunately. Therefor they always end up getting kicked/banned/yelled/screamed at. Some of them are intentional rule breakers here to destroy others fun. I will be a part of a Moderator team preventing that. I believe In giving up my own roleplay experience to help others, and prevent their roleplayers experience from being bad. I believe that people need to learn. Rome was not build in one day, and some people don't learn everything in one day. I am open to many things and wish to see the best in ZARP both now, and In the future. I want to bring a reputation to ZARP, making them known for their Great players and admins and mods, and for the roleplay Experience. I want to help where I am needed and provide critical input on good things and bad things.
It says apart from grievers.
Other than that the app is fairly good and you are a good guy.
I think this should deserve a