[quote=[USS] ITookYourTaco]
2 +Supports
1 -Support
Is it one more plus support and I get to trail as moderator?
These are not democratic decisions in their entirety.
Your supports do not matter - the ultimate decision is made by a super admin or higher, regardless of supports.
Playtime is decent.
English is adequate, I kept running out of breath reading bible-sized sentences. Also some spelling errors.
Bonding from my perspective is not ideal. I only recall seeing appeals and perhaps a report about you. I don't recall seeing you ingame.
...hope the players don't hate me
Unfortunately, being on the receiving end of verbal abuse is something you have to tolerate a lot.
I spent a long time on this application
The application is adequate but not fantastic. The length is not surprising, and as much as quality surpasses quantity - take a look at
my application. I could fish out more which are very similar if not greater in quality, but this is just the best example I know from the top of my head.
Examples such as the one phoenix pointed out are those which will get you brownie points for expanding further upon.
You have previously been banned for trouble making at one of the servers:
http://zarpgaming.com/http://zarpgaming ... 6#msg14396
I correspond with what Prophet has said:
Prophet wrote:
[quote=[USS] ITookYourTaco]
Ehm Taco. I Have to do this but i gotta give it a -Support for now. Get more playing hours
This is an invalid reason for a -Support, I check again and edited for actual play time on all the servers
I'm not going to take this as a proper support unless clarified by an Admin.
You can't pick and choose which +/- supports count on your app, there is no minimum game time but it does show experience if you have a lot. If he thinks you don't have enough game time then he is allowed to give a -S
[quote=[USS] ITookYourTaco]
Silent phoenix wrote:
[quote=[USS] ITookYourTaco]
Will you respect all players in both respect as disrespectful behaviour?
I will respect all players in both respect as disrespectful behaviour.
I'm sorry but there's something with this application that's wrong.
I dont know what but i just have that feeling that you didnt put much effort in it.
Im just gonna say [size=360:14nna4j2]
Neutral[/size] for now.
I have two examples for all three rules and I have over 150 words on the area's that say atleast 150 words,
I do not take applying for Moderator lightly as it is a serious thing to moderate on a server, not just to mess around.
At no point did he infer this. We might have candidates here that don't want to mess around, but there's other factors that can screw up this criteria. This includes but is not limited to:
- Inactive Moderating (just role playing without the use of powers, keeping all MoD allocation to a minimum)
- Biased Decision Making (using the powers portraying as if, I quote "not just to mess around" but still favoring your own party)
- Ineffective Moderation (being the wrong candidate - makes wrong decisions although they may feel it is correct)
- Non - Courteous Behavior (behaving in a disrespectful way towards people you are helping/punishing)
I do not imply that you would do such things, as I have no evidence to go upon that basis. I'm just saying that what you said isn't all that matters.
You seem to base your application completely on the support system. This is just something that users have adopted over time, but regardless - it plays a very small part in the selection of a member of staff. People do it to give their opinion - it's not a vote.
I've noticed some correlating negativity regarding yourself, and I'm not too big of a fan neither. Despite your previous ban being in the past - it still counts as a ban, and you did still act in violation of the rules.
But that's not my justification for the opinion I am about to give. I must say that your application is of an 'alright' standard - but your attitude towards your application does not feel right.