DovydasAL wrote:
Country: United States
Birthday and age (14+ only): April 10th 1997
Total Playtime (Server): 6-7 Days
In-Game & Username & Steam ID: DovydasAL and STEAM_0:0:49384528
What server you wish to get a rank on: Perp
Purpose/Reason to be an administrator/moderator: As a moderator on the RP servers I do have experience with moderating. When playing perp, I am one of few players online. Mainly due to 1 or 2 mingers on 5 minutes before. As a moderator I would be punish these mingers. Perp is a more strict RP, and needs active moderators and admins. I am on Perp a lot, as I have never played a perp until this one and it is exciting for me, but ruined when someone ruins the fun. I want to help the server as people leave from a minger, thus making an unpopulated server.
Do you have a microphone: Yes
Can you be online atleast three/four days a week,And be online atleast a few hours those days?: Definetly I am on almost all day.
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