RP Name:
Monarchist (?) or Gerotho
Time Zone:
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time:
123 hours ( As i was changing my name, gametracker was tracking the other names Individually)
Languages I Speak:
US english,British,Greek,Turkish,German,French,Russian,Japanese,Bulgarian,Albanian,Latin,Chinese,Indian,Native American langauges (Navaho,Cherokee). (I'm not joking...Test me

Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
One player killing other player with no valid reason
Player A kills player B because he is black.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
When you die on a district you cannot return or interact with actions or players inside the district until the 3 minutes timer runs out.
Player B killed player A and player A returned to take revenge
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You are handling a report in which player A accuses player B of killing them for no reason in a report via the F1 system.
In that case,i would teleport both players on a roof and hear their stories about happened.If theirs stories didnt make any sense,i would ask for a video that proves the true side of the story.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You witness a user mass RDMing in spawn, killing many people constantly to the point where users are complaining.
I would freeze him and ask him why does he behave like that.I would check his rapsheet for recent warns and if he continues with this attitude,i will freeze or jail him and contact an admin to handle the ban.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend a minimum of around 150 words):
To be honest,i dont have that much experience but after all the time i've spent in the server,all the times that i got into a fight and ended up in an admin sit,i've learnt how to confront a troublemaker.
Why I should be chosen?
Because i've been a troublemaker and as i said i know how to confront one,so i can provide my support to the staff team,which i want to apologize again for troubling them in the past,i know i've been a really tough guy to handle.