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TOPIC: [SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application

[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1398467

Steam Name:

Time Zone:

Link to Steam Profile:

What server are you applying for?
Zarp Semi-Serious Roleplay


Current Gametracker Profiles:
SSRP Server

Estimated Server Time:
125776 minutes

Languages I speak:
English and Dutch

How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:
I have been SSRP staff many times, totaling at around a few months as an active admin, currently, I have been on my staffing return for about a month. I've more than enough server experience, I frequently assist any other staff members with any gaps in their knowledge they might require or simply provide assistance with any groups of players that join to ruin the gameplay experience. I'm always mindful of players joining to break rules, which ultimately will decrease the enjoyment others experience of the servers for other users, staff, and general players. With my skills at identifying these players, many minges don't get the satisfaction of ruining our time here on the server. My Knowledge of the rules is excessive and I am confident in my knowledge of them and the situations that follow. I am always supporting and providing help to the other staff members that may require it. Ultimately my experience as an administrator has provided me with the confidence and knowledge needed to advance in the ranks of the SSRP staff team.

What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team? ( in this part you can go as detailed as you want):

During my current venture as an SSRP staff member, I have not experienced any issues that may cause trust issues with the staff team. My use of administrative powers is always fair and just. A few years ago there was however an issue with my powers, however, I have learned from these mistakes and ensured I do not make them again.
I believe I have proven myself trustworthy with these abilities and have proven self-control and discipline while using them.

On the Zarpgaming discord I regularly join the channels where I spend my time interacting with the community, even going as far as to interact with other servers mini-communities such as Prophunt or even the smaller point shop servers, such as bhop.
I display myself as a friendly and talkative character here and am always willing to have a chat.
I believe my attendance at meetings has proven to be consistent and I'm always actively participating in meetings. Whenever I do attend I'm always there to give my detailed thoughts and opinions of the applications or any other topics that may come up, and I do not shy away from giving my honest opinions.

I am extremely active on our community forums, every 5 minutes or so when I have free time, I will open up the forums and scan through leaving my opinions and thoughts on relevant posts.
I am aware that claiming reports on users on the server is difficult in the current year as not many are made, however, I still try my hardest to claim them if no one else has.
I give useful and accurate feedback on any applicants or discussions and will frequently partake in conversations regarding this.
I am knowledgeable about the forums in great detail as I have spent many years browsing it, I enjoy partaking in conversations here on the forums.

I am an extremely active staff member on our SSRP server, I would wager I am one of the most actual active staff members there. I am always willing to hop on and provide any assistance requested of me.
While like most other staff members I may need assistance with certain situations that would require a higher-up ( Such as a cheater on our servers ), I will still take it upon myself to gather as much evidence and provide as much assistance as I can leading up to the punishment of these users.

I am an incredibly dedicated staff member, always on server or discord willing to help my team, assist other Administrators or provide the helpful hand that some new staff members would require.
I am active most hours of the day to deal with rule breakers whether or not that be as an F1 or simply as I am patrolling the streets of zarp, ready to catch them in the act.
Almost every day I will be seen on servers either dealing with rule breakers myself or providing other staff members with the help or knowledge required for them to deal with them.
Although the community council is no longer around, I still spend a large sum of my free time writing and bringing suggestions to the CM team, pushing smaller scale issues that players may have to hopefully get them changed to their liking as soon as possible.

Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:

Quite frequently a cheater will appear on the server, now as an administrator, I can not punish these users rightfully, I can not gather the needed "valid" proof that is required to punish them i.e. A screen grab of their cheat menu / ESP. ( As I do not have access to this function). Now as the other staff members know, I frequently encounter these users, and my standard protocol is to gather as much evidence as possible using my Nvidia shadowplay or by simply recording them. While I have my suspicions I will contact other LT members to see if they can assist me in handling these users, but very often it will be left to me to gather evidence, punish them for other rule breaks, such as MRDM, NLR, or Anything in an attempt to remove them from the servers to prevent any further harm.
I will then provide LT+ members with the needed evidence of these cheaters for a vote to be held regarding their innocence.

Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:

I would carefully read through the report making sure I can gather all necessary details, if any more minor or major details are needed I would contact the user via Discord or steam PMs in an attempt to gather them. After I have received the necessary information I would ask for a second opinion from another LT member and see what they believe is the right course of action and any other thoughts they may have, after I have gathered a second opinion I would decide the appropriate outcome to the report, whether that be Accepted or Denied.
After I have decided whether or not the report has been accepted I would reply to it using the following format:
Hello, [User's name]
Thank you for taking the time to report [staffs name]
I gathered all the necessary details and information I required and given the provided evidence, I decided that the Staff member was in fact in the wrong.
I will [Talk to / bring up staff members] and make sure they are punished for their inappropriate behavior that violates what we stand for here at zarp.
You can consider this
Have a nice day!

Or if I decide that the report was insufficient
Hello [User's name]
Thank you for taking the time to report [staffs name].
I gathered all the required details and information I needed and due to [The lack of evidence or the fact the staff member was not in the wrong], I have decided that there is no further action needed here.
You may now consider this report,
Have a nice day!

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
If A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?
I would approach the staff member and ask what that user had done leading up to their punishment and what they did that caused the punishment to take place, I would then check the rap sheet of the user to double-check his/hers previous punishments that had taken place within the last 2 weeks.
If I feel the punishment was unjust I would approach the staff member and ask why they believed that the user should have been banned from the server for that amount of time. If I believed that the user was unfairly punished in this instance, I would explain to the staff member why I believe it is extreme or unjust and if they agree, the ban will be lowered and/or removed altogether.
If this was typical behavior for the punishing staff member I would keep a closer eye on them in the future to make sure this occurrence didn't happen again.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?
I would ask the staff member what was going on in their sit and what the user had done, if the staff member appeared to be struggling I would assist them to wrap up the sit quickly and cleanly, then later explain to them that their attitude or behavior was inappropriate for a staff member to be displaying. Depending on how bad this is or how the staff member reacts, I would then decide whether or not it required bringing it up in the next meeting.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?
I would ask staff member A (The accusing staff member) To either join a discord channel so I can easily communicate with them. I would ask for what had happened and whether or not he had any proof.
After I have received proof of the event and gotten all the details I need to take this further I would ask staff member B (The accused) to join either discord. I would explain that an anonymous staff member had reported what had happened, and ask him for his side of the story. After this, I would discuss the situation further to gather all details I needed about the occurrence. After this, I would thank both for their time. I would look over all the evidence and sides of the stories and ask another LT what they think about it. I would then bring it up in the meeting and either give issue them a verbal or an official warning. However, if the accusing staff member ( Staff member A) does NOT have any proof of the situation, I will keep an eye on staff member b and ask the other LT members whether or not they have experienced any issues with them.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?
I would ask what had started the disagreement or argument in order to find out why they were being disrespectful. I would then instruct the staff members to calm down and try and settle the disagreement swiftly. If the staff members calm down I would contact them later and discuss with them how it's not acceptable to be disrespectful to the staff team. However, if the staff members do not settle down I will ask them to join the discord and we can discuss the matter further and in great detail, I would explain to them that it is completely inappropriate and that sort of behavior is unacceptable as role models of the servers this should not be displayed and would further be brought up in a meeting or marked down as talking to.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?
I would immediately freeze and go to the staff member and ask them what they are doing. I would instruct them to join discord where they would tell me in great detail what they are doing. I would then tell them that it is completely unacceptable for a staff member to be doing that and its a breach of the trust that they were given. I would then inform the rest of the lead team who would decide on an official warning or demotion in the next meeting. However, if the abuse is serious enough I might even have to contact another LT member and emergency demote them if they are causing too much harm. Once the staff member has been released I will inform other LT members to keep an eye on them whenever they can, and I would also do this to prevent any future breaches of trust.

Thank you for reading my application, I have spent a long time going back over this application, proofreading, and changing anything I feel needs to be changed.
All the best,

  • JoshuaIsGreat
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3^ the Serb
JayHouse on top forever, fuck around and find out :)
Zarp SSRP Lawyer

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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1398468

JoshuaIsGreat wrote:
Steam Name:

Time Zone:

Link to Steam Profile:

What server are you applying for?
Zarp Semi-Serious Roleplay


Current Gametracker Profiles:
SSRP Server

Estimated Server Time:
125776 minutes

Languages I speak:
English and Dutch

How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:
I have been SSRP staff many times, totaling at around a few months as an active admin, currently, I have been on my staffing return for about a month. I've more than enough server experience, I frequently assist any other staff members with any gaps in their knowledge they might require or simply provide assistance with any groups of players that join to ruin the gameplay experience. I'm always mindful of players joining to break rules, which ultimately will decrease the enjoyment others experience of the servers for other users, staff, and general players. With my skills at identifying these players, many minges don't get the satisfaction of ruining our time here on the server. My Knowledge of the rules is excessive and I am confident in my knowledge of them and the situations that follow. I am always supporting and providing help to the other staff members that may require it. Ultimately my experience as an administrator has provided me with the confidence and knowledge needed to advance in the ranks of the SSRP staff team.

What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team? ( in this part you can go as detailed as you want):

During my current venture as an SSRP staff member, I have not experienced any issues that may cause trust issues with the staff team. My use of administrative powers is always fair and just. A few years ago there was however an issue with my powers, however, I have learned from these mistakes and ensured I do not make them again.
I believe I have proven myself trustworthy with these abilities and have proven self-control and discipline while using them.

On the Zarpgaming discord I regularly join the channels where I spend my time interacting with the community, even going as far as to interact with other servers mini-communities such as Prophunt or even the smaller point shop servers, such as bhop.
I display myself as a friendly and talkative character here and am always willing to have a chat.
I believe my attendance at meetings has proven to be consistent and I'm always actively participating in meetings. Whenever I do attend I'm always there to give my detailed thoughts and opinions of the applications or any other topics that may come up, and I do not shy away from giving my honest opinions.

I am extremely active on our community forums, every 5 minutes or so when I have free time, I will open up the forums and scan through leaving my opinions and thoughts on relevant posts.
I am aware that claiming reports on users on the server is difficult in the current year as not many are made, however, I still try my hardest to claim them if no one else has.
I give useful and accurate feedback on any applicants or discussions and will frequently partake in conversations regarding this.
I am knowledgeable about the forums in great detail as I have spent many years browsing it, I enjoy partaking in conversations here on the forums.

I am an extremely active staff member on our SSRP server, I would wager I am one of the most actual active staff members there. I am always willing to hop on and provide any assistance requested of me.
While like most other staff members I may need assistance with certain situations that would require a higher-up ( Such as a cheater on our servers ), I will still take it upon myself to gather as much evidence and provide as much assistance as I can leading up to the punishment of these users.

I am an incredibly dedicated staff member, always on server or discord willing to help my team, assist other Administrators or provide the helpful hand that some new staff members would require.
I am active most hours of the day to deal with rule breakers whether or not that be as an F1 or simply as I am patrolling the streets of zarp, ready to catch them in the act.
Almost every day I will be seen on servers either dealing with rule breakers myself or providing other staff members with the help or knowledge required for them to deal with them.
Although the community council is no longer around, I still spend a large sum of my free time writing and bringing suggestions to the CM team, pushing smaller scale issues that players may have to hopefully get them changed to their liking as soon as possible.

Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:

Quite frequently a cheater will appear on the server, now as an administrator, I can not punish these users rightfully, I can not gather the needed "valid" proof that is required to punish them i.e. A screen grab of their cheat menu / ESP. ( As I do not have access to this function). Now as the other staff members know, I frequently encounter these users, and my standard protocol is to gather as much evidence as possible using my Nvidia shadowplay or by simply recording them. While I have my suspicions I will contact other LT members to see if they can assist me in handling these users, but very often it will be left to me to gather evidence, punish them for other rule breaks, such as MRDM, NLR, or Anything in an attempt to remove them from the servers to prevent any further harm.
I will then provide LT+ members with the needed evidence of these cheaters for a vote to be held regarding their innocence.

Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:

I would carefully read through the report making sure I can gather all necessary details, if any more minor or major details are needed I would contact the user via Discord or steam PMs in an attempt to gather them. After I have received the necessary information I would ask for a second opinion from another LT member and see what they believe is the right course of action and any other thoughts they may have, after I have gathered a second opinion I would decide the appropriate outcome to the report, whether that be Accepted or Denied.
After I have decided whether or not the report has been accepted I would reply to it using the following format:
Hello, [User's name]
Thank you for taking the time to report [staffs name]
I gathered all the necessary details and information I required and given the provided evidence, I decided that the Staff member was in fact in the wrong.
I will [Talk to / bring up staff members] and make sure they are punished for their inappropriate behavior that violates what we stand for here at zarp.
You can consider this
Have a nice day!

Or if I decide that the report was insufficient
Hello [User's name]
Thank you for taking the time to report [staffs name].
I gathered all the required details and information I needed and due to [The lack of evidence or the fact the staff member was not in the wrong], I have decided that there is no further action needed here.
You may now consider this report,
Have a nice day!

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
If A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?
I would approach the staff member and ask what that user had done leading up to their punishment and what they did that caused the punishment to take place, I would then check the rap sheet of the user to double-check his/hers previous punishments that had taken place within the last 2 weeks.
If I feel the punishment was unjust I would approach the staff member and ask why they believed that the user should have been banned from the server for that amount of time. If I believed that the user was unfairly punished in this instance, I would explain to the staff member why I believe it is extreme or unjust and if they agree, the ban will be lowered and/or removed altogether.
If this was typical behavior for the punishing staff member I would keep a closer eye on them in the future to make sure this occurrence didn't happen again.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?
I would ask the staff member what was going on in their sit and what the user had done, if the staff member appeared to be struggling I would assist them to wrap up the sit quickly and cleanly, then later explain to them that their attitude or behavior was inappropriate for a staff member to be displaying. Depending on how bad this is or how the staff member reacts, I would then decide whether or not it required bringing it up in the next meeting.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?
I would ask staff member A (The accusing staff member) To either join a discord channel so I can easily communicate with them. I would ask for what had happened and whether or not he had any proof.
After I have received proof of the event and gotten all the details I need to take this further I would ask staff member B (The accused) to join either discord. I would explain that an anonymous staff member had reported what had happened, and ask him for his side of the story. After this, I would discuss the situation further to gather all details I needed about the occurrence. After this, I would thank both for their time. I would look over all the evidence and sides of the stories and ask another LT what they think about it. I would then bring it up in the meeting and either give issue them a verbal or an official warning. However, if the accusing staff member ( Staff member A) does NOT have any proof of the situation, I will keep an eye on staff member b and ask the other LT members whether or not they have experienced any issues with them.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?
I would ask what had started the disagreement or argument in order to find out why they were being disrespectful. I would then instruct the staff members to calm down and try and settle the disagreement swiftly. If the staff members calm down I would contact them later and discuss with them how it's not acceptable to be disrespectful to the staff team. However, if the staff members do not settle down I will ask them to join the discord and we can discuss the matter further and in great detail, I would explain to them that it is completely inappropriate and that sort of behavior is unacceptable as role models of the servers this should not be displayed and would further be brought up in a meeting or marked down as talking to.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?
I would immediately freeze and go to the staff member and ask them what they are doing. I would instruct them to join discord where they would tell me in great detail what they are doing. I would then tell them that it is completely unacceptable for a staff member to be doing that and its a breach of the trust that they were given. I would then inform the rest of the lead team who would decide on an official warning or demotion in the next meeting. However, if the abuse is serious enough I might even have to contact another LT member and emergency demote them if they are causing too much harm. Once the staff member has been released I will inform other LT members to keep an eye on them whenever they can, and I would also do this to prevent any future breaches of trust.

Thank you for reading my application, I have spent a long time going back over this application, proofreading, and changing anything I feel needs to be changed.
All the best,

  • Killa Kappa
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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1398469

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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1398470

:support: free him up
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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1398471

:plussp: Finally
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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1398472

13 red brick road
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SSRP Superadmin
Community Council Creator (May it rest in piece)
Prophunt Moderator
BHOP Moderator

Last Edit: 2 years 3 months ago by Markus.
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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1398473

nederlands :plussp:
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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1398474

Not surf

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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1398475

OnionRings wrote:
Not surf

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3^ the Serb
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Zarp SSRP Lawyer

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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1398476


Great guy :clap:
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Former SSRP Admin

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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1398477

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Ex - TTT Server Owner

Ex - TTT Head Administrator
Ex - TTT Super Administrator
Ex - TeamSpeak/Discord Staff x2
Ex - Forum Staff
Ex - TTT Administrator x3
Ex - Deathrun Administrator
Ex - TTT Moderator x4
Ex - TF2 Moderator
Ex - Deathrun Moderator
Ex - Murder Moderator
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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1398478

:plussp: ur the guy who took my f1

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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1398481

Best lawyer in the town!

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The following user(s) said Thank You: JoshuaIsGreat, CEO of Business, Paladin

[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 2 months ago #1398522

this is an support

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Signed by:
CEO of Business
jutsu ballah
JoshuaIsGreat (not racist)
names will now end here due to banishment
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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 2 months ago #1398526

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Jay House number 1 as always
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[SSRP Super Admin] JoshuaIsGreat's Application 2 years 2 months ago #1398527

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Moderators: Joshua, MadMagic, pizza

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