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TOPIC: [TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application

[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397576

Steam Name:

Time Zone:

Link to Steam Profile:
~My Steam Profile~

What server are you applying for?


Current Gametracker Profiles:
Nepgear: Gametracker

Estimated Server Time:
~1000 Hours (stopped counting and changed my name too often

Languages I speak:
English and German

How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:

Well I can understand if I would get denied this week, due to me only being admin for like 3 weeks and just recently coming back to the staff team, but I think due to my past experiences from owning the Headadmin and Superadmin rank I feel like that I would be a great addition to the Lead team and that I could support the current lead team on their duties. I did not have a single report when I was SA nor when I was HA and no one complained nor reported me since I came back on the forums as well, which basically means that I still know how to staff properly and it shows that I am a nice person that tries to get along with as many people as possible. Of course this doesn't mean that I spare people that I like from punishments. They get the same treatment as anyone else on the server that I don't know as well.

What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team?:

I'll leave the decision on whether I am a good candidate or not to you, but I can tell you some positive things about me that can help on your decision if I am good or not.


I am always helpful and friendly to other people. Since I came on the server I tried to come along with as many people as possible, with staff as well with the user base. If someone had a question I was glad to help and support the person. I even looked over the newer mods as I was a mod by myself and tried to help by difficult situations or answer question when they got some. I did the same when I got Admin, when there was a newer Admin I looked a bit over them if they had trouble whether if they should ban a person or not(as an example). I always stay calm by handling reports or when I get insulted by a user. I am always open for criticism and glad to take it so that I can improve on it, to get a better staff member.


I usually check the forum multiple times per day and post something when I got something to say, as an example I respond to staff applications with criticism or why I don't think that they are ready for the position so that they can improve on those things to maybe get the position one day. I try to get some appeals but whenever I check the forums and see a appeal it is already taken by another staff member(feels bad man). When I see another TTT related post where someone is asking something I try to give them an answer when there isn't already an answer.

Handling Reports:

Every time when I am handling a Report I try to understand both sides. I look into every report with care and even when someone didn't gave quite a good response, something along the line's like "What lol", I try to find out why they killed/tried to kill the person if they had a good reason for it, because I had this situation way too often that people just wrote that in the response and had a valid reason for kill/try to kill the person. When a person didn't have a valid reason to kill/try to kill the person I give them a fair punishment. My report-count might not be the best at the moment (I think around 100), because I am online at night hours when there are barely 10 people online and nobody is rule breaking usually.

Past Experiences:

As some of you may know, I have been Leadteam on this server before in the past. I owned the Superadmin rank for about 3 months and then got promoted to Headadmin. So I got some past experiences on how to handle certain situations as a Superadmin. I also have owned/staffed on multiple Teamspeak servers so I got some other experiences on how handle a staff team from there as well.


Since I became staff I always tried to play a lot on the server. I usually get more time than 3 hours per week, but I always had at least 3 hours per week. I know that my activity from last week kinda dropped from the week before, but trust me I am gonna be way more active this week again (was kinda busy with work lately)

Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:

The first scenario I can think of is when a hacker is on the server. I did not encounter that many hacker on the server, but when I encountered one I couldn't do anything due to that admins and moderator aren't allowed to punish for hacking. Normally I contacted a super admin or a head admin that they anti-cheat him and punish him for hacking, but you can't get an superadmin+ on the server all the time. When a hacker is online and he is rulebreaking, like Mass RDMing or RDMing you can punish them for that and you get rid of him pretty quick then, but when a hacker isn't rulebreaking this scenario gets a bit difficult. You can't punish him for RDM and you can't punish him for hacking, if I was a super admin I could easily anti-cheat him and punish him then.

Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:

I would look if the person who wrote the abuse report did fill in the template correctly and if they didn't tell them that they have to fill in the template. After they did all of that I would post that I am handling this abuse report that other staff member know that someone is handling this. I would then proceed with carefully reading through the report and reviewing the proof. I would contact the accused staff member and ask them about it and why they did this. After that I would contact the user, who reported the staff member, to hear their story. Then I would come to my conclusion, if the evidence is invalid or the staff member has some more evidence that proofs his innocent I would deny the report.

Denied [ Click to expand ]

But if the evidence is valid or the staff member doesn't have some evidence to deny the given evidence I would accept this report then

Accepted(LT meeting) [ Click to expand ]

Accepted(SpokenToStaffMember) [ Click to expand ]

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situations:

A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?

I would contact the staff member through Steam/Discord and ask them why they banned him. After they give a good reason to why they banned him this long I would still check his rapsheet and if after checking the rapsheet everything is ok I will leave the ban as it is. However if the staff member does not give a good reason to why they banned the user for this amount of time I would then proceed to tell the staff member that this ban has a excessive length and ensure to tell him when to ban and how long to ban at any situation. After that I would lower the ban to the time I think is appropriate and try to contact the user that his ban has been lowered.

A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?

If the staff member is struggling with the user who is disrespecting or stubborn, because he is new or doesn't know how to handle the situation, I would just give them tips on how to handle this specific situation or take over if I have to. When the staff member is disrespectful against the user I would tell the staff member that he should not disrespect other players and tell them how to handle the situation correctly and ensure that this does not happen again. The third scenario I can think off is when a staff player is struggling with handling a report, I would just look in the chat, if a chat is open, and tell the staff member what he could do to resolve the situation.

A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?

I would first of listen to the staff who is accusing another staff. I would listen to what they have to say and ask for evidence and look at the evidence(if some were given). After that I would contact the accused staff and ask him about it. I would ask him why he did this and if he had a reason to do so or some other evidence that proves that his action were in the right. I would then come to my conclusion after that. If the accused staff member did indeed break the rules I would bring him up on the following lead team-meeting or talk to him and ensure that this doesn't happen again, whether the rule-break was significant or not. If the accused staff did nothing wrong or the evidence is invalid I would dismiss the report then.

A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?

I would tell them to calm down first. I would say to the disrespectful staff that his behaviour is not ok and that he should treat everyone on this server with respect. However when he continues to disrespect I would tell him to come on Teamspeak to talk with him and eventually bring him up on the lead team meeting. On the other scenario when they have an argument going on and both start to get heated I would tell to cool down a bit and maybe take a break, that they should go off the server and that they should talk about it the other day and that they should contact me when they want to talk. I would then start talking to both of them, when they calm down again, to understand them both and then try to resolve the situation in a spacer on Teamspeak.

You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?

I would tell them him to stop immediately with what he is doing and order him on Teamspeak to speak with him. After he comes on Teamspeak I will tell the staff what he did wrong and tell him that his behaviour is unacceptable and that a staff member should never act in this way. After that I would tell him to apologise to all the other player's he inflicted harm on and if the staff continues to break the rules and harm the user's I would bring him up in the lead team meeting.
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[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397578

Can Forum staff please move thanks, kinda fucked the section my bad
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[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397579

Walks into lava
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-Jmt's a big stinking nonce
-Donny's a registered SO
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The following user(s) said Thank You: TheRealNepgear, Vodka4Gaben

[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397580


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Ex - TTT Server Owner

Ex - TTT Head Administrator
Ex - TTT Super Administrator
Ex - TeamSpeak/Discord Staff x2
Ex - Forum Staff
Ex - TTT Administrator x3
Ex - Deathrun Administrator
Ex - TTT Moderator x4
Ex - TF2 Moderator
Ex - Deathrun Moderator
Ex - Murder Moderator
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The following user(s) said Thank You: TheRealNepgear

[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397585

ok so after a thorough examination of the application and intense knowledge of administration and gameplay style i think this candidate would do a good job as a super admin on TTT very nice :plussp:
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The following user(s) said Thank You: TheRealNepgear

[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397673

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Last Edit: 2 years 3 months ago by Darling.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Nay, TheRealNepgear

[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397676

Lets gooo :support:
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TTT Super Administrator
Deathrun Administrator
Minecraft Moderator
Surf Administrator
Murder Moderator
Last Edit: 2 years 3 months ago by Sir Kribban.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: TheRealNepgear

[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397681

Will be interesting to see if you can keep up with your duties without Nina around
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[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397682

Jim_Jam wrote:
Will be interesting to see if you can keep up with your duties without Nina around
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Nay, TheRealNepgear, Vodka4Gaben, Sir Kribban

[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397683


Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself. Dont do it to yourself.
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✯✯ Former TTT Server Owner✯✯
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The following user(s) said Thank You: TheRealNepgear, Vodka4Gaben, Darling

[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397703

We need Dr. House back too!

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[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397717

Good luck lad :plussp:
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[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397851

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SSRP Administrator
Deathrun Moderator

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[TTT Super Admin] Nepgear's Application 2 years 3 months ago #1397858

TheRealNepgear wrote:
Steam Name:

Time Zone:

Link to Steam Profile:
~My Steam Profile~

What server are you applying for?


Current Gametracker Profiles:
Nepgear: Gametracker

Estimated Server Time:
~1000 Hours (stopped counting and changed my name too often

Languages I speak:
English and German

How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:

Well I can understand if I would get denied this week, due to me only being admin for like 3 weeks and just recently coming back to the staff team, but I think due to my past experiences from owning the Headadmin and Superadmin rank I feel like that I would be a great addition to the Lead team and that I could support the current lead team on their duties. I did not have a single report when I was SA nor when I was HA and no one complained nor reported me since I came back on the forums as well, which basically means that I still know how to staff properly and it shows that I am a nice person that tries to get along with as many people as possible. Of course this doesn't mean that I spare people that I like from punishments. They get the same treatment as anyone else on the server that I don't know as well.

What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team?:

I'll leave the decision on whether I am a good candidate or not to you, but I can tell you some positive things about me that can help on your decision if I am good or not.


I am always helpful and friendly to other people. Since I came on the server I tried to come along with as many people as possible, with staff as well with the user base. If someone had a question I was glad to help and support the person. I even looked over the newer mods as I was a mod by myself and tried to help by difficult situations or answer question when they got some. I did the same when I got Admin, when there was a newer Admin I looked a bit over them if they had trouble whether if they should ban a person or not(as an example). I always stay calm by handling reports or when I get insulted by a user. I am always open for criticism and glad to take it so that I can improve on it, to get a better staff member.


I usually check the forum multiple times per day and post something when I got something to say, as an example I respond to staff applications with criticism or why I don't think that they are ready for the position so that they can improve on those things to maybe get the position one day. I try to get some appeals but whenever I check the forums and see a appeal it is already taken by another staff member(feels bad man). When I see another TTT related post where someone is asking something I try to give them an answer when there isn't already an answer.

Handling Reports:

Every time when I am handling a Report I try to understand both sides. I look into every report with care and even when someone didn't gave quite a good response, something along the line's like "What lol", I try to find out why they killed/tried to kill the person if they had a good reason for it, because I had this situation way too often that people just wrote that in the response and had a valid reason for kill/try to kill the person. When a person didn't have a valid reason to kill/try to kill the person I give them a fair punishment. My report-count might not be the best at the moment (I think around 100), because I am online at night hours when there are barely 10 people online and nobody is rule breaking usually.

Past Experiences:

As some of you may know, I have been Leadteam on this server before in the past. I owned the Superadmin rank for about 3 months and then got promoted to Headadmin. So I got some past experiences on how to handle certain situations as a Superadmin. I also have owned/staffed on multiple Teamspeak servers so I got some other experiences on how handle a staff team from there as well.


Since I became staff I always tried to play a lot on the server. I usually get more time than 3 hours per week, but I always had at least 3 hours per week. I know that my activity from last week kinda dropped from the week before, but trust me I am gonna be way more active this week again (was kinda busy with work lately)

Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:

The first scenario I can think of is when a hacker is on the server. I did not encounter that many hacker on the server, but when I encountered one I couldn't do anything due to that admins and moderator aren't allowed to punish for hacking. Normally I contacted a super admin or a head admin that they anti-cheat him and punish him for hacking, but you can't get an superadmin+ on the server all the time. When a hacker is online and he is rulebreaking, like Mass RDMing or RDMing you can punish them for that and you get rid of him pretty quick then, but when a hacker isn't rulebreaking this scenario gets a bit difficult. You can't punish him for RDM and you can't punish him for hacking, if I was a super admin I could easily anti-cheat him and punish him then.

Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:

I would look if the person who wrote the abuse report did fill in the template correctly and if they didn't tell them that they have to fill in the template. After they did all of that I would post that I am handling this abuse report that other staff member know that someone is handling this. I would then proceed with carefully reading through the report and reviewing the proof. I would contact the accused staff member and ask them about it and why they did this. After that I would contact the user, who reported the staff member, to hear their story. Then I would come to my conclusion, if the evidence is invalid or the staff member has some more evidence that proofs his innocent I would deny the report.

Denied [ Click to expand ]

But if the evidence is valid or the staff member doesn't have some evidence to deny the given evidence I would accept this report then

Accepted(LT meeting) [ Click to expand ]

Accepted(SpokenToStaffMember) [ Click to expand ]

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situations:

A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?

I would contact the staff member through Steam/Discord and ask them why they banned him. After they give a good reason to why they banned him this long I would still check his rapsheet and if after checking the rapsheet everything is ok I will leave the ban as it is. However if the staff member does not give a good reason to why they banned the user for this amount of time I would then proceed to tell the staff member that this ban has a excessive length and ensure to tell him when to ban and how long to ban at any situation. After that I would lower the ban to the time I think is appropriate and try to contact the user that his ban has been lowered.

A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?

If the staff member is struggling with the user who is disrespecting or stubborn, because he is new or doesn't know how to handle the situation, I would just give them tips on how to handle this specific situation or take over if I have to. When the staff member is disrespectful against the user I would tell the staff member that he should not disrespect other players and tell them how to handle the situation correctly and ensure that this does not happen again. The third scenario I can think off is when a staff player is struggling with handling a report, I would just look in the chat, if a chat is open, and tell the staff member what he could do to resolve the situation.

A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?

I would first of listen to the staff who is accusing another staff. I would listen to what they have to say and ask for evidence and look at the evidence(if some were given). After that I would contact the accused staff and ask him about it. I would ask him why he did this and if he had a reason to do so or some other evidence that proves that his action were in the right. I would then come to my conclusion after that. If the accused staff member did indeed break the rules I would bring him up on the following lead team-meeting or talk to him and ensure that this doesn't happen again, whether the rule-break was significant or not. If the accused staff did nothing wrong or the evidence is invalid I would dismiss the report then.

A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?

I would tell them to calm down first. I would say to the disrespectful staff that his behaviour is not ok and that he should treat everyone on this server with respect. However when he continues to disrespect I would tell him to come on Teamspeak to talk with him and eventually bring him up on the lead team meeting. On the other scenario when they have an argument going on and both start to get heated I would tell to cool down a bit and maybe take a break, that they should go off the server and that they should talk about it the other day and that they should contact me when they want to talk. I would then start talking to both of them, when they calm down again, to understand them both and then try to resolve the situation in a spacer on Teamspeak.

You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?

I would tell them him to stop immediately with what he is doing and order him on Teamspeak to speak with him. After he comes on Teamspeak I will tell the staff what he did wrong and tell him that his behaviour is unacceptable and that a staff member should never act in this way. After that I would tell him to apologise to all the other player's he inflicted harm on and if the staff continues to break the rules and harm the user's I would bring him up in the lead team meeting.
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